
I know. I hear that all the time. My other friend was raped. We always have fun convos about which was a bigger hassle.

Did your racist body snarking meter get sent in for calibrating?

I asked myself "Hey Tim. Why you being so defensive."

Equal parts douchey/sexist/racist and funny, which is what sells i guess.

An ephebophile is a pedophile with a thesaurus and a desire to be accepted.

artist, Karatoys.

No. Have you?

All I like from the franchise was Alien and Aliens. Highlander had the first movie. Star Wars had the Empire Strikes Back. A lot of franchise cash cows have one or two redeeming features and the rest is trading on a name thats decades removed from any quality product.

I laughed at this because I say the same thing all the time when mocking homophobes. Then i realized you were earnest. and i kept laughing cause that is just tragic.

guy hitting my mid 30's I'm totally happy with sex twice a week. The libido is still there, its just getting up the energy. The girlfriend knows that if she's going to be in the mood to throw me 10mg of adderall.

I count a whole 1.

Theres nothing wrong with not talking shit when you don't know the facts. but oh boy if you knew the facts...

the MRM doesn't have concerns. They have talking points against feminists. Take circumcision. I'm against it. Most feminists I know are against it. When you go as far as to admit that, the response is "Well then why aren't you doing something about it?"


Sing them misandry blues.

I only watched someone play seaman for a while. So odd.

When will us white guys catch a break?

"Retarded, but what can you do?"

"The War against..."

wheels within wheels.