

Words that make me ignore people if they use them unironically: PC or Politically Correct. Race Card. Reverse Racism. Misandry. That's all I can think of at the moment.

I will dispense with it so as not to be misunderstood. But to me Herro will always be cartoon dog for hello.

You can and you will. There are a million refutations to the idea of reverse racism available. Educate yourself. Or not, you can keep saying it and people can keep dismissing your backassward rhetoric.

That is horrendous. Why would they feature a man who sang about fictionalized murder on a show that fictionalizes murder. This is exactly the same as featuring an actual rapist. Good catch, logic warrior!


So that's a yes then. Reverse racism, race card, and political correctness gone mad are in your list of things that you believe are entirely undouchey to say. But by all means keep saying them. They do come in handy when deciding to interact with people.

People who say race card are usually apologists for racist behavior. Do you use the word politically correct and reverse racism without irony?

same with checking your email, or grabbing a dvd to watch that night, or a cd to listen to. You can do that at a cyber cafe, or a videostore, or best buy. Or, today, the future, also at a library.

The only sites they have rules against accessing are illegal ones.

Sooooo heteronormative.

OH SNAP. You blew this whole "It's not really a portal gun" thing wide open, son. You should head over to a prop builders website and lay the smack down.

Did you just call a bunch of people on the internet you don't know dickless for calling someone they didn't know on the internet dickless? How deep does this dickless rabbit hole go?

That's once every 14 years on average :)

Can we get some white people in here to downplay this?

I lose sleep at night worrying about the attractive white women. Thank god for feminism.

Not everyone has the same morals. I have groups of friends that all date each other. Everyone is honest and communicative. If you wanted to get condescending in the other way you could say not everyone is so proprietary with their partners. You could say interest in a person is not the equivalent of a dog pissing on a

Holy shit. No.

people who can segue from normal conversation to fucking based on shared interests and physical attraction don't need magic sex cheat codes. So yeah, you don't usually run into PUAs without issues.

Do you even self-aware bro?