
Oh man. It's a huge chunk of my money but this year i'm throwing down for the replicator 2. The print resolution is so high for something I can kinda afford.

We didn't want to mention them because it would just be a huge comments section calling them sluts and attention whores, and we can't have that happen.

mmm. not sure about your area. Try model mayhem. And look for people that like collaborating or trading services, rather than you paying them or vice versa.

haha. girls dont' pay attention to you.

"What else would you expect?"

Neither, they are both avatars of Yog-Sothoth here on earth.

Neither, they are both avatars of Yog-Sothoth here on earth.

Crucify your rapist. YOLO.

If at first the law fails you, crucify your rapist.

from time to time I may get whistful and run a few google searches to see if someone still exists, and what they're up to. But Jesus Christ...

the battleship. Retired in real life, retired in monopoly.

People get angry at bigots. Get used to it.

I know! I'm gonna have so much sex!

Super liberals are often times shitheads when it comes to trans* issues. This isn't an Orwell novel so cut the doublespeak bullshit, there's nothing super hard about just calling someone a trans man or a trans woman. You don't meet the minimum standards for being a decent human being just because you're liberal,

This comments section= "Good news everyone! A new woman to hate!"

I don't like walking that stretch of the TL to get from union square to burbon and branch. And I'm a reasonably tall dude.


If I were a woman I think i'd mace so many people.

Darklord makes a virginity joke.

You really can't go wrong with a "your (article of clothing) is really nice." and then peacing out.