
I used to be a "violence is never an answer" type of guy, but it's an easy position to take when someone possesses various privileges that inoculate them from most violence.

If i'm ever compelled to compliment someone on public transit or the like it's always fashion or style related. And if I do, I compliment politely and then bury my nose back in my book or phone so there's no expectation of continued conversation.

It's aural you stupid neckbeards. Aural.

That's some good MRA.

I don' think i've ever encountered someone on the internet with darklord in their username that wasn't an asshole. It's a handy filter.

And hey, and what about this. Earnestly. What would you think if every time we talked about child rape there were without fail, several voices in the conversation saying "what about the kids that make it up?" and "It's important to have a discussion about the possibility."

So start one if it's important to you. Talking about false accusations when talking about rape culture is derailing. It's not a component of rape culture, its a component of a fucked up individual that is committing a crime. There's no support systems for the person crying wolf in a society that already needs to

Getting pissed about rape culture= Acting like a dipshit.

"Man up"

I have no idea who you're referencing in your straw man, so all i'm hearing is that defending rape victims is crap.

Correct. Yes. I'm fine with this. Just like every time theres a conversation about race we have some white dude with a story about how black people were racist to them once too. Or any social justice situation where people are compelled to come in screaming about why no one is looking out for the privileged group.

Cry more, MRA man.

Body shaming is not an acceptable response to body shaming.

special snowflakes is what I usually go with. for any member of an oppressed group that uses tools of oppression against members of their own group.

being against MRA rape apologia bullshit is what creates MRAs? Brilliant.

Haha. What a fucking rape apologist shithead. Still searching for truth?

No. you're an asshole because you're part of the culture that treats every rape accusation as a 50/50 proposition where everyone including major blog sites and media personalities, down to your friends and family have to weigh out the validity of the victims statements for themselves. Not just the legal system, in

cry more.

Nope. It's assholes like you that decide that because something happens a very small number of times, we have to question everyones story because of your bullshit "cloud of uncertainty." Not the courts. Us. The rubbernecking masses of internet posters, media outlets, and even close personal friends all have to

Man. this comments section is a "What about the menz" rape apologia bonanza.