Man. Those must be those strong and evil straw feminists to be able to stop protests and marches. Do you need help? Have they stationed a unit of radfems outside your house to prevent your organized march against rape?
Man. Those must be those strong and evil straw feminists to be able to stop protests and marches. Do you need help? Have they stationed a unit of radfems outside your house to prevent your organized march against rape?
Since TOS where we see it in an episode flying in atmosphere and accidentally destroy a US fighter jet.
There was nothing specifically dangerous this time around. There were in previous posts. This time around it's just offensive. The skanks comment, the "try out being a lesbian" comment, the language sexualizing a 9 year old child for laffs.
No, we can't start there. That would be stupid.
Thing is I care about a lot of the things MRA claim to care about, I'm a dude. But I haven't seen MRA's move to do anything about it. I just see them use this shit as arguing points against feminists.
Its offensive, and her advice in the past has drifted between problematic and dangerous without ever actually gracing anyone with a useable response.
Jez continues to publish this one despite universal derision. The nicest thing I can say is at least the last one wasn't a complete piece of shit response. Wait no, that one used imagery sexualizing children. So yeah. 3 for 3 horrible replies again this week.
As an advanced being that has evolved beyond my corporeal body to pure energy, I found I had many new abilities. It's hard to put it in terms lesser life forms can understand but... I can... Drink... and enjoy... more than one type of liquid. Imagine it like being able to resolve both aspects of a rotating neker…
"So rather than all these douche MRA's sitting online saying "Waaah men get raped too and you feminists don't help them", why don't they start getting trained up and organised and DO something, instead of bitching?! "
"but on the other hand, the majority of MRAs are not woman-hating rape-supporting assholes like you portray them to be."
Because MRA's aren't fighting for equality. they're trying to score points against feminists. When talking about rape culture MRA's will try to massage statistics showing that men in prison are raped more often than women in the outside world.
I have to point out that you used ableist language to disparage sexist people.
the paper needed a quote so I told them all men are rapists...
I tried some of the ginger flavored stuff, of a variety that didn't have too much of the snot shit in it. It was pretty good.
Meehhhhhhh. I mean I'll watch it. I like giant robots punching things as much as the next 10 year old adult.
I've even had this happen to me as a guy. (and even had dude follow me.)
I love Alan Cumming, but I was at a live musical performance of his about 2 years ago where he was lightly disparaging of the role. I can't recall what he said exactly but he viewed the role as slightly embarrassing, he wasn't vitriolic about it or anything though.
Trans women are still women.
Lol. Putting an NSFW tag below the image after the image has already popped up on their work computer. Slick.
I like the palette in some shots because it reminds me of some of the alex ross superman paintings. but I dislike the texture and some of the lines on it.