Right. If you can fuck in 3 minutes why take 20?
Right. If you can fuck in 3 minutes why take 20?
The 1701 already flew in atmosphere in a TOS episode. I'm assuming the same way shuttles and birds of prey lift off from the ground and lazily fly up without flames shooting out of thrusters everywhere.
"Also no mention of the ongoing discussion on tumblr about how this is still placing the responsibility on women"
Yeah. No real excuse for privileged first world shoplifting.
There is moral ambiguity to shoplifing. Theres a difference between someone stealing a luxury item and and someone stealing for survival. Now you're not as likely to find the second at a wal-mart but there is a possibility for ambiguity, Inspector Javert.
Achievement unlocked: Awesome analogy
Would alpha males have seven alts?
I saw this title and I was like "Oh cool, I yell at sexists all the time. A pat on the back isn't necessary, but it's nice. Oh... it's Hugo."
botany bay didn't have an NCC designation.
Its funny. the last star trek movie teaser trailer breakdown a few years back had the golden gate mislabeled as the bay too.
Not at the moment. when the new Oakland span is done, the old oakland span comes down.
Its a warp nacelle of a starfleet ship. maybe not enterprise.
Couple of things, That's the GG as mentioned previously, but the new bay bridge being built next to the old one is actually the oakland span between Oakland and Yerba Buena island. There isn't an entirely new suspension span going up next to the SF stretch of the Bay Bridge.
man, that's gonna look out of date when kids watch it in 2101
Brandon, congratulations. You have been one of our best secret agents. Allow me to hang an infamous moniker around your neck to help you do your job better.
I watch First class and X2, and pretend they're both stand alone movies. Those are the only one's I'll rewatch. X-men was okay, but relatively dull.
#corrections. That's definitely the golden gate in the first pic, which would make that being the trans america weird because of how close they look. Maybe future san fran builds another trans america building with a different color scheme.
His was better than half the other star trek movies by default. B&B are your culprits for ruining star trek.
So here's the disconnect. I like james bond, and Jason Bourne, and Mal Reynolds, and Han Solo, etc etc. And they're all white straight able bodied cis-males. And there's nothing wrong with any one of them being white straight able bodied cis-males. So what am I going to do. Per both of your suggestions? Not watch…
Today I learned that trying to secure oppressed minorities representation in popular culture is mind control. Uhura was a totally different sort of trail blazer I guess.