Cozmo Lizard

You didn’t vote at all, making your opinion even LESS than worthless. But do carry on.

Why do people who don’t vote spend so much time lecturing people about a situation (Trump) they created?

Oh, you’re one of those “too cool to vote” kids.

Ah, there it is, the inevitable “I know too much to vote for anyone” position. I kind of thought that was coming.

Because AtomJ is a whataboutist fuckwad.

Whataboutism. It’s a deflection technique.

I’ll just put this here.

Yup. 20 week loss here. I remember reading/hearing that he was about the size of an orange in or around that time, so when I miscarried in the bathroom in the middle if the night distinctly I recall thinking that “he certainly didn’t look like an orange”.

I’m REALLY glad my wife didn’t get that last symptom. Because she glared at me a lot the last eight weeks or so that she was pregnant. Glared and muttered under her breath (I’m still not sure what “Allerfault rodden bartard” means)

My wife is a fucking super hero. I am certain that my inability to get pregnant had nothing to do with my uncooperative lady parts and everything to do with some divine force saying, “Nope, that one’s way too wimpy. She’ll never make it...”

Next year:

Yeah, I was thinking that the “life changing” part of that statement could be a very positive thing as far as many women in that situation are experiencing.

Yes. Planned parenthood is a hundred thousand billion times better at explaining options.

“Abortion is not just a simple medical procedure,” it read. “For many women, it is a life-changing event with significant physical, emotional and spiritual consequences. Most women who struggle with past abortions say that they wish they had been told all of the facts about abortion.”

Planned Parenthood will give you actual facts and does not encourage women to do one thing or another, leaving the choice up to the woman. Most Planned Parenthood facilities don’t provide abortions, but they will refer you to someplace you can have one if you want one.

Yes, Planned Parenthood is infinitely better. It’s not an abortion factory; it’s an organization devoted to women’s health.

My understanding is that most of these places either operate under the radar and/or are very careful to skirt the law on what constitutes health care so they don’t fall under official oversight. That does sound like what they were doing here, since it doesn’t appear they ever actually performed the pregnancy test, and

I was so confused by that I wondered how “tubally pregnant” could somehow be a good thing?

The fact that this is legal is mind blowing. I’m a medical professional and if I lied like this to my patients, my license would probably (hopefully!) be revoked. How is their no state agency oversight?

“So… you’re still abortion-minded, even if you happen to be tubally pregnant?” she asked.