Cozmo Lizard

Please oh please OH PLEASE let there be skinny jeans in long!!!

I pointed the sign out to Aubrey and her response was a simple question, how is it that this Muslim employee could refuse service to customers based on his religious beliefs, but Christians are being forced to participate in specific events contrary to their religious beliefs?

Yes, what is this world coming to when employees can refuse service to customers simply based on their own religious beliefs? I’m assuming, of course, that next he’s going to go after the pharmacists and pharmacy techs who refuse to supply customers with birth control and Plan B. Right? Riiiiight?

All served in monogrammed thermoses.

BCO should open a cocktail bar that serves:

Pfft. He obviously never learned that discussing fine California champagne is the best way to get in a girl’s pants.

What if Captain Obvious is an Army Captain? Then he would be Major Obvious.

Glad you like it. :) In related news, I use the catchphrase “thank you Admiral Obvious”, and when someone says “Don’t you mean Captain Obvious?” I tell them “surely, he’s been promoted by now!”

If ESPN had any backbone, they would pull all their reporters from the fight and just run the AP blurb on

Obviously Mayweather is afraid of strong, independent women that aren’t afraid to share their opinion. I’m a fan of both Michelle Beadle and Rachel Nichols and it would have been nice to hear the firsthand perspective of the fight from both of these women. I really hope that Manny Pacquiao really beats the shit out of

Didn’t think it was possible for Mayweather to become even less likable. He’s a fucking cartoon character, I can’t find a single redeeming quality about him outside of his skill as a boxer.

ESPN doesn’t take stands, they embrace (manufacture) debate (racebaiting/misogyny).

Pacquiao should bring Beadle and Nichols out during introductions and have one of them in his corner, holding a microphone.

This is a tremendous opportunity for ESPN to take a stand and support two of the best female reporters. Their silence is deafening.

Just when I thought ESPN couldn’t be any more tone deaf, they go and do something like this...

Yeah, I’ve definitely been there. To be fair, I’ve attempted suicide a couple times, so I feel like it’s coming from a place of exasperated practicality when I’ve used it.

I have to disagree. The only way to eat Bugles is to fill them with spray cheese. On second thought, I guess that doesn’t necessarily preclude finger wearing

Step 1: Cut off half my hair and dyed it bright purple at the suggestion of the cute boy in physics with whom I was now free to make out at will (a delightful fact I promptly took non-monogamous advantage of).
Step 2: Put on 20 pounds of muscle doing gymnastics and ballet, earning an ass that got me proposed to weekly

after getting dumped in high school, i came home in tears and announced that i was going to slash his tires. i dramatically asked my mom where the box cutter was and she gave me a big hug and said “no, sweetie. what you want is a hammer and a screw driver.”

This was during the “pack your shit and get THE FUCK OUT OF HERE” part, but he was threatening to kill himself.