Cozmo Lizard

this is only going to deter decent people.

"Are you out of the greys on Jezebel? Because if you're not, I would find that quite crippling. I cannot be seen with a grey."

I can't do it!......I won't........AHH............oh fuck it. This is otterly adorable. I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. Sometimes I'm weak.


Works for me. I'll have to see if I can fit that into the budget. :)

There are no dues. You just have to be snarky and write your own passive-aggressive post-it notes.

Wasn't the argument to get rid of the buffer zones the fact that they needed to have civilized and polite conversation with women entering planned parenthood? That's a lovely example of civilized right there...

Done and done. Thank's Erin!

Unrelated, anyone want to hangout tonight at the graveyard? I'm feeling... thirsty.

Awww :)

I want you on speed dial to provide me with retorts. You should have an app.

Right! A bottle of wine, a few bonghits, and thou....

Oh I know it. I'd love to see him move up to MA/NH/ME... he'd get such an ass-kicking.

I'm disturbed by how many men think they are straight up entitled to women after giving a "compliment." It's part of rape culture - men have some internalized that they are entitled to a woman and that this kind of rage is an acceptable response to minor rejection.

Im from Maine, Broseph is lucky he didn't pull this shit in person. A Maine girl would kick his ass.

reminds me of the "********My douchebag brother made 32K working from home last month and you can too!***********" ads that randomly appear in the comments.

Stuff like this makes me so wary of dating men. These men who spew hatred towards women online are people we all know: our coworkers, neighbours, friends, current and ex boyfriends. The Internet just allows them the freedom to go on verbally abusive tirades and say hateful, sexist things they wouldn't have the courage

Too much speed, and too many Ashton Kutcher movies, have led this logorrhoeic moron to think that he deserves this woman to do with as he wishes, because he probably thinks he's a Nice Guy[tm].

Wow, that is mind blowing.

This guy is going to kill someone someday. Heaven help anyone in front of him in line who gets the last cookie or movie ticket.

A) What the fuck. You can practically see him stamping his feet via text message.