When he died, my mum ( who is a reporter ) told me " They are trying to canonise that fraud as a SAINT. More like burn it with fire, in space. Forever. Fuck him.)
When he died, my mum ( who is a reporter ) told me " They are trying to canonise that fraud as a SAINT. More like burn it with fire, in space. Forever. Fuck him.)
My daughter just broke up with her girlfriend over the girl's racist statements about what was happening in Ferguson. Sounds like it has generated racist statements from people who were able to hide their racist tendencies before this. I hope we can put to rest the whole "post-racial society" trope, which wasn't true…
Racism is a huge issue in the South. Also in the North, the East, and the West.
Oh my god, I just had a conversation with an acquaintance of mine today about this.
Divorcing her might have been an issue if they were actually married.
We may not know the whole story, but c'mon dude, actually READ the article and you'll know at least some of it.
The last quote bums me out. Gal pal, this is not your fault. This guy sucks & him faking a suicide is not a respectful, mature, or even NORMAL way to end a relationship. He did you a favor. Yeesh. What an assbag.
Ok folks who read the book: what's everyone's guess for when we see Jamie's a) ass and b) frontal bits of manhood.
We've seen Claire's ass twice now. I need Jamie's Scottish greatness on display.
My then-18 month old brother once summoned half of the city's police department (we lived in a pretty small city), plus a SWAT team, to our house because he'd managed to pull a chair up to the security panel and started pressing buttons, activating the house's panic alarm. They came up to the front door, guns drawn,…
Someone needs to put funny commentary to this Stat!
I love the one in the middle, like that one sober friend trying to prevent you from acting a fool.
"I'm of the mindset that PMS removes the bullshit-tolerance all women have, and puts us on dude-level for a few days. Guys rarely put up with shit, and they don't have to justify it with a hormonal imbalance. I like my PMS for that reason - I don't have to pretend to give a shit when I'm just not feeling it. It's…
And men wonder why we 'don't just stand up for ourselves'
This is precisely why women are scared of standing up for themselves when being cat called. Not only can harassers go ballistic like this, but they also, usually, cowardly "travel" in large packs.
This kinda says everything about the real motivation behind a lot of catcalling, huh?
Yes. You have made it all about yourself. That was obvious from the very start.
"you're declaring thatwomen don't have the right to learn from their own lived experiences because it might make it harder for you to pick someone up in a grocery store one day. You don't get to do that.
Cool. Guess what I got to do last Friday? Fill out a police report when a man followed me from a bus stop without my knowledge, into my place of work with the intention of assaulting me. He then hung around the premises and tried to steal my phone, take my business card and did all he could to learn my identity. He…
Thank you for your valuable male insight. The world needs more men who are willing to speak out like this about women's experiences and tell us exactly how to feel and behave. Without men like you we would be lost, adrift in a sea of choice and freedom.
Whatever we fear has already happened to most of us, multiple times. There's no "until." We're allowed to learn from our lived experiences and react in the way that seems safest for us, but thanks for your attempt at a benevolent dicktatorship.
Well, thank you for that mansplanation! I guess all these women's lived experiences were just silliness made up in their pretty little heads!