Cozmo Lizard

(Apologies in advance for the bad joke)

Some very religious people can be really big assholes. I thought they were supposed to let God judge them; they are not God so they need to stop judging all the time.

Not being sexist here in the slightest but maybe women should bleed en masse on their ballot papers at every election until something is done about it. Sort of like bra burning for the 21st Century.

Not being sexist here in the slightest but maybe women should bleed en masse on their ballot papers at every election until something is done about it. Sort of like bra burning for the 21st Century.

We have the GST in Australia on most consumable goods. Some of the items that are not taxed include basic foods, internationally traded goods, charitable donations and some education and medical care. Also, condoms. Tampons are not included in that list. Depending on which (if any) politician you believe - these are

I'm a high school geography teacher and teach about women's health and gender issues as part of the curriculum. I used this story about making sanitary pads in India with my class. Both male and female students thought the invention is awesome and openly talked about the issues in the class. The boys in the class said

Time for a little happy, since this is the second worst thing I've read this week (after a story about ISIS cutting a little kid in half): My local YMCA, which offers free and reduced price memberships for lower income folks, has a little basket in the ladies room full of free tampons. With a little sign saying

wow, you have no idea how jealous I am of that story.

So, can we twitter bomb the losers who flamed her? I don't know why most personal products are taxed, anyway. That goes for toothpaste, soap, and yes, tampons and "jock itch cream." Unless the powers that be want us to be toothless, unwashed, messy and very itchy, those things are pretty essential.

Oh man, once I found a random CASE of tampons in the back of the warehouse I worked in. The kind that go in vending machines in bathrooms. It was a misdelivery or something from a couple years before. I asked my (male) boss if I could have them, he said yes without hesitation. Do you know how popular you become with

The Adam McPhee "gaping vagina" guy is an MRA:

You'd think some of the money they save short changing women on salaries could go to free tampons for all.

I watched this shitstorm on Twitter. (She's fearless when confronted with shit like this, btw.) Guys. SHE NEVER SAID 'I WANT FREE TAMPONS.' She only asked if people knew about any programs in other countries. Just asking that simple question provoked people to call her a cunt. Also, I highly recommend following

I'm PMSing and I have a menstrual migraine - can I PLEASE punch all of these stupid tweeters in their collective faces? #TamponsShouldBeSubsidized

1. If I ever offered you a bite of my sandwich and you refused.

Ha! The bunching is SO MUCH WORSE than just a guaranteed minor wedgie.

I am with you. I wear a big ole pair of granny panties to bed, but they're practically shorts they're so big. When I am wearing actual clothes, I VASTLY prefer a thong. I have tried every fucking style of 'normal' underwear on the planet, and I jsut end up with a wedgie. A thong kind of just nestles in there and

SAME HERE. Allow me to demonstrate on your behalf as well as mine.

I have tried every size in the run.

These comment sections always make me feel like a weirdo. I absolutely hate and do not ever wear any version of full bum underwear. I find it horribly uncomfortable because it moves around, usually ends up up my buttcrack anyway, plus it's always visible under clothes that are not jeans. I just do not experience