Cozmo Lizard

Having your family 3,000 miles away, a 3 hour time difference and a 6 hour plane ride—I can see why he made that decision.

"Robin Thicke does NOT have a new girlfriend. You still have time to make your move ;) "

The idea of a pizza cake is changing my life.

"Eating bread while intercoursing" is now on my bucket list.

Eating bread while intercoursing sounds like the best use of one's time.

Eat or don't eat what you want, but her glazed-eyes-mouth-breathing-red-carpet-movie-star face mostly just reads to me as "My blood sugar is low." *shrug*


Male condom—Worn by the man, a male condom keeps sperm from getting into a woman's body. Latex condoms, the most common type, help prevent pregnancy, and HIV and other STDs, as do the newer synthetic condoms. "Natural" or "lambskin" condoms also help prevent pregnancy, but may not provide protection against

Pretty sure they are aware of it. But lots of ladies are in monogamous relationships and don't feel the need for condoms have a higher failure rate than other contraceptives so if you're really serious about not getting pregnant, a condom is not enough.

feline the love right now.

thank you to everyone who is participating in this thread. Seriously.

Cub on, let's be simbathetic to those dogs.

Isn't someone Elsa gonna make a lion pun?

I would make another pun, but I can't think of anything Elsa.

I love how the lion made a feline toward the dog. And I must admit that this thread is relatively safe from nasty comments. One might say it is Scorn Free.

Aw, that makes me feel all fuzzy inside :)

You guys are pawesome!

It has become quite pupular...

If he's seriously against male circumcision, and I am too (different country, NZ. We don't do it here much), then he can get up off his lazy arse and campaign against it just like anyone else who has a cause they believe in.

Go back and read #4 again. The things you outline in your first paragraph are because of patriarchy. Patriarchy assumes and expects men to be strong, powerful and aggressive and women to be passive, weak and vulnerable. Men who do not conform are taunted not because of "misandry," but because they do not fit the

Oh, as a feminist I'm supposed to punch people that hold doors for me? And all this time I've been saying thank you like a sucker.