
I never really watched Airwolf growing up (we were a Knight Rider family, dammit), but I always loved this credit sequence. And I have so many questions. Specifically:

Whoa, next you'll tell me the next episode of Revelations 2 wasn't already in the download for episode 1!

People with living room PC's and wireless pads?

Man, I miss the days when Capcom was a good company.

I have never wanted anything more in my life than I want this.

Probably the boobs, but I cannot say with authority.

"the Valve guy"

The lack of respondents with potentially smaller wind-dang-doodles can be mathematically offset by the number of commenters across all reports of this study complaining about the legitimacy of the study.

Freeza has Jaundice - he should see a Kami about that.

I see nothing wrong with a black and blue Freeza.

I subscribe to Bill Watterson's theory: "The surest sign there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe is that it hasn't tried to contact us."

I did, by the skin of my teeth. I think I did the board of review the day before my 18th birthday. Maybe the week? It was pretty close.

Funny thing is, I could have made Eagle years earlier — I only had a badge or two to polish off.. but I was just taking it easy and going on camping trip and whatnot. I was having too

Nice Boy Scout belt! Did you make Eagle?

I hope that poor boy was okay after his parents insisted on him eating that food even though it had gluten in it.

Pork Wine. The OTHER white wine.

obligatory click in this area sorry

Prometheus was wore than 3 and R.

Purity of canon, and the need for officialness and narrative singularity, is in some clear and obvious way the enemy of creativity.