
I'm sure Microsoft lawyers have everything covered.

Obviously because someone already leaked a full youtube playthrough of the game.

Yeah, well, when you've already got a bunch of kids and your life is unstable, it's not about 'I want' anymore. You want more kids? Well, you know what, you've got a responsibility to the ones you already have. You don't get to have everything, that's not how it works.

birthcontrol is for free.

You're 100% right though. These people were foolish for popping out kids they way they were in their situation.

I got to that point and they lost me. I chuckled when I saw you and another commentor's nearly exact feelings. There were a LOT of things they needed to do differently.

THIS. A thousand time THIS. I was completely taken back by the fact they would continue to have children 6? 7? when they knew full well they could not support them or raise them in a stable environment. I almost lost all empathy for the parents in this story. I feel so bad for the children that they continued to make

just not important enough for this couple to make some sacrifices in favour of their kids' well-being or stability. like i said upthread, the world doesnt owe you your dream job, dream house, and as many kids as you can make. pick one, and prioritize that. follow your heart in an unstable industry, but don't do so at

Probably, but at least I don't breed creatures into a shit life and make other beings suffer due to my choices.

I understand that too. But I see it like this:
Buy a single car and treat it nice, rebuild it, etc. (having 1-3 kids, managable size)
Buy a dozen junk cars and have them rotting in your front lawn. (having half a dozen kids)
a third option analogous with not having kids at all but doesn't sound creepy like "ride

You can afford pulling out with or without a job for christs sake.

A year and a half later, we were told he would be laid off in two months. I was seven months pregnant. Our insurance would end two weeks before the baby was due.

In a series of pre-dawn raids that morning in July, agents scoured the country for 40 Land Rovers in an ongoing civil forfeiture case. All of them were older; all of them were the rugged Defender models; and all of them had originated outside the U.S. and were imported here in the last few years by the same man — but

I just had to think, if they have no savings and no retirement why wait until he gets layed off to get rid of cable and drop the internet down? Do that now, and save up something for the future!

Continuing to pop out kids while in such a volatile industry/situation seems like a terrible idea as well. You know things could go south at any time and can barely afford to raise the kids you already have yet you continue to have more? Just putting more and more people through the wringer of moving constantly with

And here I thought they were just evil cartoon characters.

Yeah, seriously. Whats that saying about insanity, that its the definition of doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results?

Every time we accepted a job offer, we were offered promises of stability and plenty of funding. We were told about the "project after this one," and no offer was given as temporary, or "for this project only." Instead of companies asking us if we'd stay for the long haul, we began asking them instead.

Not to worry that I already have a black butt hanging over my head today.

Sometimes if you squint you can see different shapes in the butt.