
What's important is that they make this about themselves.

Yo Nintendo. It's totally not like your legion of very vocal diehard fans have certain projects that they've been DYING for you to make, but for some reason you refuse to listen. New Star Fox? F-Zero? That illusive Pokemon MMO that people have been daydreaming about for like what? Over a decade now?

That was my intended effect, so bully for me.

Look at her in that pink duvet. What a slut.

He did it all for the Nukey.

Lucky the feds have that whole southern border thing under control and can waste their time on hyper important things. Good job ICE!!

How's your Atari 2600 holding up, dirty Cartridge peasant?

To be fair, they might not keep him up to date on gaming news in prison.

60 FPS?

This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person

I can't support any organization that is against bacon.

Bacon has turned many a Jew.

Pretty damn scary, really.

No you can actually land it. You just had to pay really close attention to the prompt.

I was reading the comments on The Verge and they are mindblowingly stupid. People are calling this a money grab and are really upset about Thor being a women. I don't get it. It is nothing strange about Thor being a women. Thor can be a frog. So why not a women?