
Didn't they do the exact same thing with Firefly?

Fox uses this formula to kill off all their Sci-Fi programming. It worked for Firefly, Space Above and Beyond and countless others.

I'm not in agreement that the show failed. Even with the constantly changing relationship between the main characters via the mixed up episodes they built a believable world with lots of life and room for expansion. And despite some new series clumsiness that most shows go through it was a solid science fiction

Fox always kills off what THEY don't think is right.

They call that "airing on Fox."

So Fox aired the episodes out of order so that the character development and plot seemed Schizophrenic, put long breaks in between episodes and barely put forth any marketing when new episodes actually aired. I'm sure they are shocked it didn't do well.

Get up in my world with this comment.

I love it when you call me Dick Popper. Throw your hands in the air, if youse a true player.

It turns out that Queen Elizabeth II was a huge Golden Girls fan

While this is wonderful news, I hope it doesn't devalue my million dollar collection of Warhol ASCII Art penises.

This will not end well, at all. I'm predicting this is going to the best worst selling console to ever hit Japan. In fact, I bet PS4 sales are going to increase substantially when the One releases there.

Mostly because it's true though.

Post all you like, there will always be PC elitists out there to say how much better their PC can make it look.

Sony Pictures and Sony Entertainment are two different branches. I really don't see any thing like this taking place because they don't care what system it's on, as long as it makes money.

seeing as how we paid for a full game and got half of one, i think it's pretty much included in the price.

Which David Lynch film is this from?


*Don't say doin your wife. Don't say doin your wife. Don't say doin your wife.*