
The writing and directing were atrocious. The effects were great, the sets looked good for what they were, but characters did things that didn’t make any sense. It looked like maybe they were writing it as they went along. The games are 10 years old. They had plenty of time to come up with a good story. I can’t

They don’t need more subscribers though. They need less subscribers so their terrible content moderation stops, or their streaming business dies, so they can go back to a handful of streaming services that have licensed content from other production companies on them. Like Netflix 2010.

Finally a company took my suggestion of creating a slap-bracelet phone seriously.

It produces Police Voltron.

I think “preservation” means “ability to obtain and play the games legally.”

I only ever buy used and am on a 2010 Ford at the moment. Sun visors are gone? That almost seems like a safety hazard, as well as physical control buttons being gone. Not looking forward to my next used car purchase.

People are going to have their own opinions on whether it’s ok to do that or not. It’s a fictional country. But I know enough about the cultural sensitivities from my (not even sure if everyone would consider that name ok now) “black studies” class in college to know that even if some folks are ok with a white person

I gave you a star for the mouthwash comment. *chef’s kiss*

You did a great job posting about the announcement of a new open world sandbox game that depicts illicit stories and subject matter, and I appreciate that.

I know this isn’t the root, and I’ve been relegated to the grays over at jalopnik, but if someone finds that that knows, could you tell me why the discussion section is gone from I’ve been doing google searches but can’t find squat about it. Is it permanent like Deadspin’s missing discussion section or is

It ends on a cliffhanger? Great. I’ll wait until I hear the show’s had it’s run and delivered a satisfying conclusion before I consider watching it.

I came to post the same thing as Knyte. Don’t preorder stuff.

I came to post the same thing as Knyte. Don’t preorder stuff.

The MJ cosplay is great. The D-walker is insane and I want one pls.

Friends, and neighbors, I really, *really* need someone to mash this up with some audio from the Dukes of Hazzard, with the horn and some engine noise.

Rating: 3/10.  BD units not to accurate video game scale. Would not bang.

Gee. How about if instead of doing that they kept their prices down and tried not producing as much garbagecrap content. Investing in fewer shows of higher quality and/or keeping their rates down is probably more of what their customers would want. Then again that doesn’t have the potential to generate extra revenue. 

Are you conflating news from people live in the street “Hey, I just saw this, here’s my video” vs news as reported by reliable news media that have funding and integrity (Associated Press, Reuters)? Because I don’t think of those as equal. What’s made twitter such a dismal place, in part, has been the ability to

Time to see if these networks are compatible with my ad blocker or if I need to skip them and keep pirating.


Several helpful things for people to bare in mind: