I can’t believe you’ve come here to console-shame. /s
I can’t believe you’ve come here to console-shame. /s
I wonder if they’re also constantly cutting Roscosmos’ budget (or whatever org runs their space program.) Another user here made a snide comment about us having a poor healthcare system and spending money on a space race instead of fixing healthcare. There’s no reason why we couldn’t fund both, other than bureaucrats’…
What does that mean? Am confused.
Even the Isuzu Impulse on this list would be both expensive to drive and a nightmare to repair, just finding parts, let alone the cost of the parts. It’s an 80s car. A buddy had one of the later ones that had the pop up headlights and was also a geo for a hot second. He couldn’t even find shocks and struts for it when…
Roles. Roles, not rolls. Unless they are eating dinner and aren’t avoiding carbs.
Given how old Bones appeared to be played at times in both TOS and his one guest appearence in TNG, I’d love to see a spry, young 80 year old bones in SNW. (This is tongue-in-cheek.)
Slack took a lot of getting used to for me. I have to say at first glance I like this significantly less than what they’ve had since 2020. I hope it’s configurable through the options menu, or it looks like it’ll be a new learning curve for me (as well as a lot of other users.)
Glad you enjoyed that episode. I did not. To me, it’s a bit too far. I don’t think the entire series has to be dark and gritty. I’d actually love if they’d stop making the lighting on the nuTrek shows look like they are filmed in the basement of a CSI show.
I’m glad you were allowed to mention G/O Media’s own foray into AI articles. I came here to post something because apparently my ADHD kicked in while I was still reading the article. Hopefully this lets me edit my previous post.
The CEO sounds so out of touch that he should get a job screwing over writers/actors/creatives with the AMPTP.
I would like very much if Ridley Scott would stop trying to make movies and control franchises he hasn’t had anything to do with in years. In the last decade he managed to ruin the Alien franchise not once but twice. I’m glad he wasn’t able to inflict his ‘vision’ on to Blade Runner 2049, as I liked that film and feel …
Based on the other comments here, this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I enjoyed Suicide Squad (2016). If there were a darker version of the film, I’d buy a physical release of it with a director commentary, and/or stream it on opening day. I liked it and was disappointed with other folks’ reaction to it, as…
Great news Googlers! Now you can opt to have some, or even ALL* of your pay in Googlebucks. You can use your Googlebucks at the company store. Just think of all the great Google snacks and clothing you can purchase during your stay in our hotel, sometimes even cheaper than rent here in the San Francisco area.
Oh god I loved this episode. I hope the final episode of the season a Q shows up, turns everything black and white and they do everything in mime except the Q. When the Q speaks, it can be in French, except when they dub the episode into French. Then the speaking parts can be in Japanese. That way every one has a…
I hope that the US considers passing similar legislation. Having idiot relatives get their news from facebook has been a detriment to our society for at least the last 8 years. I know this is supposed to be about getting facebook to make restitution to the news agencies they are stealing news content from, but as an…
Stephen Amell is a huge douche. His original comments were intended as they were first interpreted.
The biggest question I have is: do consumers actually want this? When I see “Powered by AI” or similar on a product, it makes me want to not use the product.
Douchebag TikTok user sues Douchebag TikTok corporate user; Corporate TikTok user countersues; Douchebag lawyers profit.
This seems to support the idea that the AMPTP is willing to go until folks are in dire financial straights. I hope the government steps in and forces them back to the table.
You get a star not only for a well written comment but also your use of Derbal McDillet, an SNL reference that some might have missed.