
Season finale. Season 3 was announced in March of this year... shooting season three is on pause until the AMPTP pulls its head out of its ass and finishes contract negotiations with WGA and SAG-AFTRA.

Hopefully it’s better than “65" was.

Each of the streaming services has a feedback box when you cancel. I let them know the reasons for my cancelation of their services.

Glad they’re unionizing now. The way AI companies keep trying to shove and shoehorn in AI into “labor saving” products that try to replace creative artists’ works, they need to unionize to protect themselves.

There’s a quote from the article which might help you be less confused:

Why was this article in the feed with a publish date of “yesterday” (7/20/2023) but the comments are all from 2021 and 2022?

Why was this article in the feed with a publish date of “yesterday” (7/20/2023) but the comments are all from 2021

IF G/O is planning to introduce more AI into stories, or worse, more stories written by AI, I hope the Giz Union steps up and voices concern about it. It will make me interested in finding another place to read/post.

I agree and came to post this here. I’d even go as high as something under $8, but once they hit $10 or so, there are actual streaming services that produce their own content I’d rather give my money to. Or are licensing content I want to watch.

One more goose step towards Fascism, especially if MGT doesn’t face any sort of repercussions. 

Have to agree with you on this episode as boring, and I’d have to say basically everything since the first episode has been milquetoast. 

It’s been long enough since the last season that I was positive Michael Sheen was played by Simon Pegg.

I thought we all knew that once they announced the sequel back when it first was announced? It feels like we’ve known it for years I mean. Maybe it’s some sort of MCU time-distortion, but I feel like I’ve known that for 2-3 years?

I’m canceling my streaming services until after the WGA/SAG strikes are over. It’s the only way I know to show support without actively donating money to them (which I might do with what I spent on streaming.)

This quest to do earlier and earlier abortion bans, will this lead to banning birth control as some sort of Pre-Abortion ban? “Our God created sex for procreation, not pleasure.” That sort of thing? (I could see Amy Coney Barrett having this needle-pointed onto throw pillows.)

“AI Writes Useless Bill That Is Equally In Quality To Useless Bills Human Politicians Write”

I can’t agree fully with that statement, but I did enjoy it enough to watch it twice (though I couldn’t stomach staying for the ending. That was emotionally draining.) The bad CG at the end wasn’t a deal breaker for me, but you could just tell watching it that people would be on twitter or reddit crapping all over it

At this point I won’t consider any of the hand-held non-mainstream emulator devices unless they have the 18 button, two analog stick layout for 6th generation and beyond (this is the controller layout that more or less started with the PSX: 4 shoulder buttons, start/select, 4 face buttons, the two buttons under the


I wish them well with it, but it seems largely symbolic. Even if every candidate signed it, it’s not like PACs are transparent, the whole point of them is to hide the source of money.

Geez. One more thing for me to have to test my drinks for at a party.