
I want to ask conservatives why they jack off to the idea of restraining other people’s rights, but then I realized a) because it gets them off and b) they would clutch their pearls that you suggest they mastrubate (then they’d try to take away more of your rights and then lock themselves in the bathroom for a while

After reading the link about “audio issues” this sounds a lot more like some theaters are showing unpatched versions of the film and others aren’t for one reason or another (most likely theaters that aren’t digital? idk how theaters work in 2023)

This is disappointing. I’ve been canceling streaming services to protest the AMPTP’s treatment of writers, and distaste with the streaming providers’ recent actions in terms of cancel show -> bin show -> get tax incentives. I’ve already gotten rid of Netflix, Paramount+ has been cancelled as of a few days before this

E3 cutting bloggers and small time press folks is how PAX got started, to fill that void.

I’m trying to be open minded and grow in how I am thinking about this. I just remembered a kerfluffle a few years ago that might sort of conflict what what I posted earlier. This was back when it came out that folks wanted to cast Idris Elba as James Bond.

I’m not a fan of “blind casting” most of the time. I’m not anti-diversity at all - grew up in a college town and had more international friends that local friends in my community. I’ve been binging Star Trek (all of the tv shows) for the last several months, and what is nice about the shows, over all, is that the

Those NSFW subreddits need to adopt the John Oliver thing but use goatse (do not google) instead. That will solve their “not having NSFW content in the subreddit” issue tout de suite.

Good for her for releasing a new album despite the issues. I hope this court mess ends in her favor soon.

I have secret knowledge of this: They need more time to run background checks on all the actors they’ve cast during the WGA strike.

Regardless of how they calculate their ratings, it mathematically works out that they will decide to cancel any show I just found and am enjoying the previous seasons of, specifically so that I can’t get closure.

It couldn’t have happened to a more benevolent gremlin of “justice.” (Well, maybe it could have happened to Clarance Thomas, The Adopting Witch lady one, or the cry face rapey guy, harder to remember those newer appointees)

Hollywood loves a sure thing. Existing IP means IP that some percentage of the populace has already shelled out money to buy before.

Thank you for that Frederick Douglas quote. He’s made a point that I often try to make to folks (the times are different but the general sentiment is the same.)

Fortunately Season 3 of Picard also has a release date, so if you prefer never watch or think about Seasons 1 and 2 you can just purchase that. It even has a SteelBook option.

An interview with the FTC’s consumer protection chief on how the agency is turning privacy laws upside down to pave the way for the internet we all deserve.”

You mean the point if you want to use a *wired* Xbox 360 controller. As in without wireless, arguably one of the most important, least appreciated changes from the Xbox OG to the 360. This feels like a massive fail when you can get an xbox 360 controller radio dongle and a mayflash adapter for maybe $30? and then you

Guess this will be the last thing I watch on Netflix before canceling this go-round.

So... his solution is Scaborators?

I asked ChatGPT “Do you ever make fun of Google’s AI chatbot by calling it “Alphabart”?” and it assured me it would never do anything like that. Then I saw it go leave a flaming bag of something on Bard’s porch, ring its doorbell, and run off.

Preface: MGT can go suck an egg. She’s a garbage person I’d like to not see in congress, but hey, that’s America for you.