
was coming here to make the same comment


I’m disappointed that Severance will be delayed. The last time a strike like this happened it ruined a lot of good shows. I hope that can be avoided, but Murphy’s law seems to dictate that if I like a show, something bad will happen before it can tell its story to the end.


I second this.

I feel horrible for agreeing with you but I agree. I wanted these to make him look terrible. Some of them are certainly sophomoric, and not things I would say if I, say, had cameras that could be recording pointed at me. 

PIzzA so Good I wanT to shove it aBOVE my mouth Hole. With all ThREE of my softHUman hands.

Given that the iPad Air is 10 years old, I’m amazed they still support it. I got an iPad 2 and an Asus Transformer tablet at the same time in 2012. The Transformer was essentially garbage after about a year - no apps would install to it, support was lacking all the way around. The iPad 2 that I had still works with

We’re about to drive THE A powerful Crosstrek.

Sounds legit, Bender.

He might care if he is still acting and then no one wants him on set any more. He can go be in those movies with Gina Carano.

I always enjoy your well written and thoughtful posts on the Gizmodo/former Gawker platform.

Just talking out loud here, but would it be safe to assume China is also thinking about the moon as a place to source more resources and stuff? I assume that if they have a program that has any traction, we don’t know about it or someone in our government would be shoving more money towards NASA.

Not to mention the craptacular Infinite Scroll stories are back from a year or two ago. Now if I try to click the comment button but it’s too high on my web browser’s window BOOM! It goes to the next story, and my back button is disabled - I have to go into my browser history to get back to the story I was reading.

Ah the Steam overlay. The thing I never mean to activate, and when it does turn on I have to remember what key combo it is to get rid of it. 

This seems about as stupid as the weird shifter in the GMC Terrain. I wasn’t aware of that shifter until my cousin came to town recently and rented one, and her comment about it was “I was constantly afraid of that thing.”

Typo in line under headline: the first occurence of “you” should be the word “out”. This sort of thing gets me too, sometimes. I usually catch it by reading what I write out loud before I hit submit/publish.

Children watch these movies and look up to/idolize the characters. I don’t want to be all “think of the children” here, more to the point: You can write good dialogue (or even mediocre) without using cuss words. Most all of the MCU has done this (except for the “almost the f word”s and the bleeps in previous movies),

Came here to say this also. 
