
Counter counter point - Season two was also good and filled in a lot of things from season one.

Came here to post this. Take your star!

I thought it was fun and, for the most part, less dumb than Fallen Kingdom. You made some good points in your article, but I will go see it again in theaters to enjoy seeing it in 3D.

I did not watch Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s trial. I saw Amber in “All the Boys Love Mandy Lane” and I’ve enjoyed her in anything else I’ve seen her in after that. I hate to think of her as anything other than a talented actress. I know celebrity can be fleeting but I really hope she continues to get (and choses to

Can someone explain what is wrong with depicting a character as speaking English with an accent of some kind? Please do not assume I’m trolling. I speak a few languages, and I have used the accents that people speak English with when they learn it from their native language to inform how I speak their language when I

It also appears to be wearing Iron Man colors. Good to see Stark Industries getting work long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

The Acolyte: It’s about the Democratic party of 2010s-2020s, but disguised as a space opera that no one wants to attend.

I don’t get this. Netflix lost 200,000 subscribers in a quarter. That has to be a drop in the bucket overall. This is that thing where the market is described as a bunch of stampeding cattle, and this spooked the herd. How many subscribers do they have world wide?

Thank you! I couldn’t remember where Megazone 23 fit in, and was too lazy to go looking this morning. :D 

I’d love to see a fourth season of Stranger Things.

Soooo it’s an escape from New York/L.A. scenario, except in this case, the US is the dinosaur prison. Sounds reasonable.

Gary Owens did some of the voicework on there. I re-discovered the series during lockdown. Sorta strange show, but fun.

I bet Jeff Luthor buys SpaceX if that happens, then he can launch his shark laser satellites twice as fast.

No One Lives Forever. (There is or was a writer on Kotaku that would very much like to see some movement on that franchise. Just leaving this here.)

Any guidance on which pods to use/to avoid? I have lots of the cascade pods which are powered plus colored slime in a plastic-ish wrap. The ones in the picture look like another brand. I assume we are going for unwrapped, single color powdered block tablets here?

That is an amazing follow up comment.

As much as I don’t want to agree, and want to see him as a Lex Luthor figure, you are right. Also, as someone with a learning disability I’m still struggling with, Amazon Alexa has helped me a lot in my day to day life, helping me keep up with things I would otherwise forget.


What the actual fuck America?

Call me when the weight limit is closer to 350 lbs. I work an IT job and don’t get to exercise a lot. I need this to walk for me.