
Jurassic Park comment made me LOL. Take your star!

I really hope Christopher Nolan has some sort of close experience with Covid so that he tones his shit down. I don’t hope he gets it, I don’t hope he dies, I don’t hope anyone from his family becomes deathly ill. I just want him to realize that there is a real human price to be paid for ignoring what is still a

Is this cut in black and white? I hope it is not. All the promo materials I have seen suggest that it is. It was hard to follow before (at least from what I remember), but taking color out of it would just add to the ugh factor even more.

60-90 days is too often, it will cause people to a) forget their current password or b) sequentially number them (adding a 1, 2,3) or something to the end (!, !!, !!!)

I was just thinking that as well! Though until your link I thought it was just an obscure video game on the Sega Saturn. (it’s a shame it wasn’t also developed for Playstation; I remember it as fun and having a good story)

Agreed. This could have been taken care of in one sentence at the top of the article.

I view people with that sort of attitude about any software as hard-to-deal-with jerks. Probably best that they find another board or OS than cater to them.

It’s what plants crave!

The last sentence is screwy. Did you mean that the SEC is protecting both small investors AND everyone in Congress? Because I don’t think that’s what you meant to say.

OMG Pleeeaase let the gubernatorial debates in Georgia be moderated by Michelle Wolf. I’ll bring popcorn.

One of those is about $30 on ebay. The Castle of Lions is around $400-500. For that money I want one of those Cyberpunk 2077 looking Cougar cases, and I’d have money left over for other parts.

Wasn’t the quote “Stand back and stand by”?

Well put!

I starred you because that sounds like something I would like to have done had I had the knowledge at the time. I doff my hat to you! It sounds amazing.

Right. The way I look at it as a workplace psychopath is “now I only have to deal with a Two Body problem.”

Also, while some scenes seemed flabby, it also seems like there were scenes cut, where dialog had taken place between Diana and Barbara, where they referred to a conversation or something that we hadn’t seen/heard. It was earlier on in the film in the museum. I’d love to have a DVD/Blu-ray with some deleted scenes so

I’ll rewatch for sure, I enjoyed it. But it seemed like rather than showing Diana losing her powers, they just spoke it into existance “Diana, you’re losing your powers” rather than actually showing things failing. Unless I missed it. I got interrupted to do computer support for family members 3 times during the

It’s too bad they didn’t try to get the game engine that GTAV is using. It still could have looked good enough and they could have focused on the story(ies) they wanted to tell. AND there would have been a third person mode that a lot of people wanted.

I am not into The Witcher, but I heard Witcher 3 was a mess sorta like this. My buddy said “Gonna wait a year, they’ll patch it, package it with DLC, and I’ll get it then.” Ofc he got it launch day like I did, because we’re dufuses, however, I know CD Projekt Red are good for it?

I offer a special PS5 disposal service, so that Animal Crossing players aren’t clogging up landfills with junky old PS5s. Just drop your working PS5 plus accessories into a box, pack it nicely, and then DM me for my mailing address.

I offer a special PS5 disposal service, so that Animal Crossing players aren’t clogging up landfills with junky old