
Ok but then we go to Dinosaucers! It’s Dino Riders + UFOs.

What? Without Civics, what would I drive to high school everyday?!?

Not even Jesus knew the exact time of it, so why should we?

She should have been forced to visit the school dressed as a grizzly.

I give your comment doubleplus stars.

To me, this looks like a pedestrian not paying attention to a hunk of metal with TWO GIANT LIGHTS ON ITS FRONT speeding towards her in the dark. We can talk about the LIDAR not spotting her, which is bad, however she has two eyeballs which can likely see light pretty well. She should have seen the SUV’s headlights,

Whenever the Rock is not on screen, all the audience members should be asking “Where is the Rock?”

But.... Hawkeye is the crappiest Avenger. If they left him out of a movie full of other, more-than-one-dimensional superheroes, who would notice other than the people shooping all the Jeremy Renner heads everywhere?

Ok Internet: Nudes or it didn’t happen.

Well, I’m shocked.

If you ask me, that’s Thing talk. Get me a torch.

I read this as “Rechargable Tie Alternative”. I’m only slightly disappointed. :/

I read this as “Rechargable Tie Alternative”. I’m only slightly disappointed. :/

I’m working on a sarcasm meter right now to try to see if we can convert it to AC power. Glavin!

My car approves.

On a what? I came to ask the same thing.

I think the people that say things like that have no idea how far I’m willing to go to pirate things I can’t afford.

Rumor from some local Regal employees is that Cineworld just bought Regal, and that Cineworld is considering not accepting MoviePass. I’m not sure how they’d do it other than just instructing ticket both workers not to accept it as payment. I hope the rumors are false, or I’m going to bail on using the newly renovated

A M.A.S.K. Season 1 movie would’ve been great. Knowing how movie studios fuck everything like that up though, I’d bet it would’ve wound up being based on Season 2.

Size 6? Moo.

Amber Heard seems like a hard act to follow.