
I’m already poor; the Trump administration seems like the wrong time to introduce this.

I find your comment Illuminating. 

Wow, it’s eerie how close that is to what’s going on right now, and with the new FCC Chair, net neutrality is already under attack.

Worked at GS for a decade. Same old BS they’ve always done, just new name. It used to be MST (multiple sales transactions) and Subscriptions. This is way worse though. Those employees have my sympathies, and stories like this remind me why I’m glad not to work there now.

Where is Adam Warlock?

My first reaction when I saw that pic at the top of the article was “Holy hell, what happened to *NSYNC? Has it really been that long?”

Ok, I hadn’t paid attention to this product. How in 2016 does Nintendo justify selling these things WITH wired controllers, as opposed to making the controllers wireless? Wow.

Ok, I hadn’t paid attention to this product. How in 2016 does Nintendo justify selling these things WITH wired

Grandma Tarkin looked CG to me, almost as if they didn’t get the slope of his forehead right, and the coloring was too varied or something, as if they painted him rather than he was just existing. Also his facial expressions seemed as if someone was animating them, rather than someone using motion capture.

Where can I buy this? Asking for a friend. (Me.)

I love this gif. What movie/tv show is it from?

I love science fiction but dislike documentaries. I tried to watch this show last night, but after it kept switching back to what seemed to be an actual documentary, and pulled out of the narrative too many times, I just flipped to another show.

I used them to organize lots of controllers, since I have all manner of video game consoles. They work great so long as you can hide them on the inside of a closet door.

A pro tip about those T-Mobile routers - the firmware on the router may be old. My advice is not to update them to the T-Mobile firmware, as I’ve had a lot of issues with streaming video on the current firmware (3169), and support from both ASUS and T-Mobile is pretty terrible for these. Each company suggests it’s the

A pro tip about those T-Mobile routers - the firmware on the router may be old. My advice is not to update them to


Fleischer is human garbage.

When do we find out Musk is actually Iron Man?

As an IT person that works at Virginia Tech, it’s somewhat frustrating that it’s a) a closed beta and b) no one seems to really be able to talk about it. I want my air-chipotle.

HamNo’s not exactly a tech journalist (you may notice he’s kind of new at Gizmodo.)