
As a man who is attractive to women, I find Olivia Munn to be very attractive and hilarious. No one needs to be commenting on her appearance except to reassure her of her hotness.

Thing is, you’re going to feel really funny if he replies and says he has a basement full of female skin. Then probably disturbed. Then you’ll probably consider moving and changing your name.

“Please buy our shitty potatoes.”

Is it blackwashing if a black man plays Alexander Hamilton?

Whoever put the Apple Lisa and the Commodore Pet in these photos has my hat tipped to them. Huzzah!

Has Ashley noticed the watch face on that Moto 360 Huawei pic yet?

Has Ashley noticed the watch face on that Moto 360 Huawei pic yet?

If they still made more than 3 cars (and iMev?), I might consider it. At this point it looks like Mitsubishi won’t be in the car business much longer. I question the wisdom of buying a car from a manufacturer that won’t be around to honor it’s powertrain warranty before the warranty period expires.

I wonder how many times he’s suggested to his wife that she change her name to “Kimye West”

Well, Canada is on our continent, and since presumably they have french cars, it’s probably that they’re just selling it there. That means that if we go buy one and bring it here, the crush-nazis will come take it and crush it, because they are lame.

Why did you change the article picture without mentioning the update at the bottom of the story with the reason for the change? Just curious.

Someone changed it and failed to mention the article update

...which Hasbro licensed and produced for sale in the US (and probably other regions) because they were scrambling to add any transforming toy to the line, since they couldn’t seem to produce enough of their own toys fast enough.

I’d just like to see them fix the Store so that it runs like an app on a modern phone or console instead of a web browser over a modem in 1996.

Scrolling quickly past this, I had to go back and do a double take; it looked to me, for a fraction of a second, like it said “Quiver Queen” which I assumed was something to do with Arrow. However, it was not what I expected to see when I scrolled back to check.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahahhahaha! hah.

Awww. I was hoping Oscar finally got some anti-depressants. He’s needed something better than lithium for like, 40ish years now?

I never cared for these shows. I think of a robot as something that is autonomous. This is more of a radio-controlled destroy-someone-else’s-hard-work fest. All I can think of when I watch it is the time and effort people spent on the destroyed robots. Then again I probably need an antidepressant.

Was it the Battlefront review? Because that review had so much of that it was hard to read.

Please, for the whole internet I ask this, someone with better youtube-fu than me please make a Thug Life video of this.

Someone subscribed me to several women’s magazines under the names Chesty LaRue and I. Waverly (the latter being a Futurerama reference). I’m a 38 year old single, overweight, balding adult male who.. wait.