
Ghost ride the whip!

I was given this set of tools about 5 years ago. I hope the redesigned the box, as when I pick it up by the handle, a good chunk of the sockets would fall into the bottom of the case. I highly recommend testing it out once, and if this happens to you, get a thin sheet of foam or cardboard to keep in the toolbox to

I was given this set of tools about 5 years ago. I hope the redesigned the box, as when I pick it up by the handle,

Pff. That’s crazy. You’re talking crazy talk.

Regardless, 10/10. Would bang. Age is irrelevant given her level of hot. (no disrespec)

With all that water available for cooling? They’d be fools *not* to overclock.

What about the sound stage they filmed the moon landing on? Will they also restore that?

I run a small computer repair service in a college town, I’ve been in operation since 2003 (this is a side job.)

I looked into this about two months ago and it was hard to find updated materials since around the time Last Week Tonight with John Oliver did a story on it. I’m glad a ruling was given, but it sucks that they took this long to say “whoops, we don’t have jurisdiction.”

Jay Leno says Jimmy Kimmel’s ratings are low because he has “mean streak.”

April 2014: 86-year-old Donald Ibey brought his ‘92 Corsica to the Sunoco where Jalbert replaced one brake line but noticed the others didn’t look good, showing serious rust and corrosion.

How bout you give us the TL;DR?

He say you Blade Runner.

At this point Ripley Scott needs to be kept as far away from the Aliens/Prometheus franchises as possible, since he’s clearly bent on screwing it up to keep it “original” and “his”.

Woah woah woah woah woah woah. Woah. You can’t say they aren’t diverse.

I would really like to see someone ‘shop the Windows 10 shifty eye switches onto Clippy. If anyone has seen that or can do it, plz point me to it. :) Thanks.

Power manager is something my boss insists on having on our work ThinkPads, saying it does better than windows power management. (I am not convinced, though I installed it on my personal ThinkPad just for the battery meter)

Have not seen movie yet but a) feel your synopsis does as intended, saving me from spending money that would encourage Fox to do this again and b) I think you nailed the Fox executive conversation, down to the sad cocaine bit.

Fun fact: People in my part of the country pronounce the title “Farscape” and the words “fire escape” the exact same way.

Fun fact: People in my part of the country pronounce the title “Farscape” and the words “fire escape” the exact same

Gender-or-race-swap for gender-or-race-swap’s sake is just stupid. (Sue Storm and Johnny Storm in the current Fantastic Four film, for example.) Its fine if it helps plot, or is good social commentary, or whatever, but often times it’s just to please/piss-off different demographics.