
Unfortunately it won't work on refurbished kindles. I'd like to get a paperwhite but I can't swing the extra $$ until bonus time. Any idea how long the deal will last?

Unfortunately it won't work on refurbished kindles. I'd like to get a paperwhite but I can't swing the extra $$

There are women in IT, Steve could have been Stephanie. That would have fixed it, right?

What does this flesh-mess look like without the glitch?

Both of you should google xbmc or kodi and set them up with the tvaddons pack. Then you don't have to wait for these two greedy corporate giants to figure out who needs more money. Then go back to watching on tv once they sort it out.

I can't believe he didn't flavor-blast this with yellow first. It's... disappointing on two levels.

I miss both Denver and Kissyfur. The latter comforted me and my kool-aid mustache after lost soccer games of yore on Saturday mornings.

I give you this star, on credit, for future bay-bay-by jokes.

I gave this a star in honor of Lady Miss Kier. I still have a crush on her. :D

The real answer is that he has been playing Wii Fit U.

Search this thread for @derpatron5000 's post with /pic. :)

Yes. I would also like to know where this person lives. To take pictures of this pumpkin. At night. In the dark. While the light from inside the pumpkin is nice.

Captain Marvel! SHAZAM, I can't wait for this movie. Two thumbs up. d <_<d

The bump mapping in this screenshot from Call of Duty is amazing.

Hero Traitor Soldier Spy

OMG THIS WAS THE BEST THING EVARRRR (though transformers in there would've been awesome too.)

Battlestar Galactica deserves to be listed in the Remake in Name Only section, except I suppose it is tv. The remake had a much richer, fuller story line, and it would've upset a lot less fan boys (including me) if it had just dropped the guise of trying to be a reboot instead of standing on it's own as a good series

Wow this looks like a great idea. It has a transmitter and a way to keep the device powered. This would be perfect for long trips.

She looks amazing. I don't think a picture could be taken of her that isn't a glamour shot.

I'm on board for Ziggy vs. Jason. Here's to hoping Jason wins in panel three.

Does that look fun? Cool, this is your game.