
I was going to scroll down and register my disgust after the second listed "found footage" film. I am happy and encouraged by the amount of films in this list. I wish less films would rely on the found footage format.

DLC for previous PC release was crazy difficult, IMHO.

Bill Murray just kind of seems like an ass. He should have given them a yes or a no from the beginning, and they could've been already done with what was left. It's too bad he did that, now they'll have to do whatever they do without Egon.

Brewster gets Dino a much-needed job by having him finish construction on Carroll Shelby's last project before he died, which ends up becoming the Hero Car of the movie: that Mustang that Ford told some exciting lies about last year. How a little, cash-strapped shop in a small town managed to build a car with an

Thanks for clarifying. It's been years since I had a business law class, but I seemed to remember that being the case. Just as an aside, I really enjoy your writing on Lifehacker. Thanks for the reply.

Aren't a lot of arbitration clauses standard in agreements you sign or click "I agree" to when you start a service or website? Most recently I remember this with the PlayStation Network (PSN) service from Sony. They were hacked several years ago, and when you signed in to the service the next time, the new agreement

You guys can keep your Watch Dogs. I'll just stick to my Rescue Dogs 911 App.

I agree here exactly. I was a 10 year "Sales Associate/Game Advisor" at Gamestop, though the EB Games and Funcoland acquisitions. I just bought some PS2 disks for 80% off at the counter a few weeks back. The main reason that good stuff would be thrown out is probably either employee incompetence, or employees who plan

I'm still waiting for the apology for that Tony Hawk RIDE board I bought. Where's my video?

It would be super awesome if Rocksteady would make sure that the PC and console games don't do stupid stuff like delete saved games. I stopped playing Arkham City on PC and purchased a console copy after I lost my game at 40% on PC. Since there aren't any versions for PS3 or Xbox 360, the PC is the only system I own

Thomas Was Alone

Hm.. I know what Blood Dragon is. What is Drive?

Oh man, I'm having a broken-Spanish freakout now. How do I know if I'm pronouncing the other c's right? Is it just a locality thing, like how people in New Orleans pronounce it like "NAW-lins", and for other words the normal soft c sound is ok. My awesome Spanish teacher from High School was from Chile.

The card is supposed to retail for $200 (and indeed, that's what Best Buy is charging), but Amazon currently has it listed for $120, though it's backordered by a few weeks. This is great news for people with expandable storage capabilities on their phones and tablets, and MacBook owners can also stretch out their

NooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo! ANYTHING BUT HOT POCKETS! (They have that tainted disease-meat.)

Fair enough. If you didn't like Arkham City, you really wouldn't like Origins. It had way more bugs.

I've seen this complaint a lot over the years. I'm 35 and didn't get a cvs/2600 until I was maybe 14. I played this game a lot, and never minded the graphics. It doesn't have the interludes between levels 2 and 3, but the game play is intact, and it looked like it was a good effort considering the 2600's limitations.