
What is the attraction of Fixed gear bikes? I understand that they have less moving parts and are simpler and more efficient but a single speed bike would be the same thing with the ability to coast which makes it even more efficient in my opinion.

Cosmos was always about where we were, where we are, and where we are going to be. Its goal was to remind us that science can make science fiction look dull by taking the highlights of the sum total of human experience and putting them before us in a narrative that, to this very day, brings a tear to my eye. Cosmos

these comments are so smug it hurts. How dare somebody not know about something that you know about, right?

no way. He is finally growing into it, in more ways than one.

I think in a post-apocalyptic world, people would cling to anything with sentimental value without worrying so much whether it's "cool" to wear their dad's hat. Especially when the hat is fairly practical and badass.

We're a persecuted minority that have been called members of a violent cult of death. Despised by the media and viewed with suspicion because of the terrible and barbaric behavior of a few extremists among us. Evangelical Christians hate us because of recent actions we've taken against one of their own.

Stopped reading your comment after "stopped reading".

Thanks! That looks great!