
No. It's about steam. Most big projects like this get funded or complete their funding in under two days, and it's just stretch goals from there on. Getting barely a fifth of it for such a project in 4 days.. for a big development company.. is not a good sign.

A while back i remembered my time in A Call To Duty. A huge IRC roleplaying community back in the day. I was in the Star Trek field, which had dozens of groups over all time zones.. it was impressive then, and seems to be as impressive now. I really think all geeks had one roleplaying something in their growing up

I was halfexpecting Patricia to be writing this article.. but hey, whatever rocks your boat man. Fuck the haters.

I know. I have been annoyed and literally had vocal outrages but i never have been violent. Containing it, taking it into yourself and learning from it is what a truly mature and adult person would do.

'I'm not going to criticise this, it's a fact of life. It would be nice if guys could find it within themselves to pay for it, but that's the world I'm in, so you know, you just have to take it for what it is.' He might not like it, but he accepts it, and has figured out to work within the system for his benefit. Good

Now playing

This. Absolutely. Hard. Long. Insane. This is it.

I don't know if it has there, but try Emetostop, or anything with over 10 grams of Meclozine hydrochloride. Works for motionsickness in general and has few real side-effects. The most pronounced one is slight sleepy-ness but then again, having shorter gaming sessions would help us all. :)

As usual, the people are the problem. And i don't mean the developers, as much as the people pledging.

Sadly, yes, i won't even go into the likes of Timeshift, a project that was heavily cannibalized by its publisher and forced into a place it didn't want to go and the people behind it were not happy about.

They will, and in the end, the stretchgoal was just there to be there, not like it changes anything even if they were 10-20k shy under 4 mil. They're free to do a game they want to do, keep an IP in house, and finally show off what they're made of instead of contributing to other company's IP's.

Same. Stayed five hours with them on Ustream. Shame Ustream is sucky as a platform so comments got lost or uberlagged, but still, was a great countdown and vibe.

Star Wars: Knights That Orgasm Rapidly?

God you're SO right about Portal. Felt the exact same thing and people looked at me like i was insane. Less is more, and trying to make something funny means you're doing it wrong.

Totally serious here. Answer this man. Where do we buy one? Couse the money in my bank is begging to get out.

Yes. She'll be a great truck driver.


How about people stop focusing on money at all? Was the experience enjoyable, enlightening, or otherwise interesting? Yes? Good.

To be fair, i like it.. I would prefer it to be less columny.See all started discussions one under the other, the best on top. Still, i like that i can now quickly switch and overview other discussiosn without having to cycle through tiny tree-structures-icons.

Not wanting to sound all politically correct and such, but when i read the title, i thought it had something to do with the violent uprising/revolution in Romania in 1989. :p

Does anyone else get a powerful Carmageddon vibe?