So at this point, we’re all in agreement that the solid first season was a complete fluke, right?
So at this point, we’re all in agreement that the solid first season was a complete fluke, right?
I used to watch this on Netflix, but by the time I dropped Netflix they had only made the first 36 episodes or so available. That was maybe 2-3 years ago. This is pretty much the only anime I like other than Darker Than Black, so you’ve just made my day.
Of everything I loved about FMA:B, watching Mustang just f’ing lose was my #1 favorite.
It’s all fine and well (and even admirable) that you’re able to laugh at yourself—or at jokes that reference conditions you have. However, you, as an individual, don’t have the right to speak for others in terms of what they are or are not bothered by.
It’s also worth noting that blackface has its roots in some…
I chose to review it because, as I said in the second paragraph, I was hoping that Takahashi and crew would make something I enjoyed more this time around.
Persona 4 is the best out of the series with 5 pretty close behind. 4 went above and beyond in making your friends feel incredibly real. I’ve never experienced that kind of community feeling in a game before or since.
i actually thought the pseudo texting matched today’s culture perfectly and they way it forwarded plot in Persona as unobtrusive, and I hate texting in real life
Out of the “modern” persona games I always felt 4 has the best group dynamic, never factored in the fact that they’re constantly meeting at Junes to be a big part of that.
I think the texting might have worked a little better if it involved random character work instead of just “hey are we meeting up?”. Sure, lots of people text primarily for that, but if Yusuke had just started randomly texting you photos of weird shit he found, or Ryuji would message you to complain about school, or…
Paris Hilton? That’s OC-era Mischa Barton, and you know it!
The game had me at Morgana Catbus.
John Fucking Noble is in Legends! When I read that news i made a sound only audible to dogs and Kryptonians.
FF IX was such a nice change of pace from the gloom and doom that was FF VII and FF VIII.
Because FFIX is a nugget of delicious, perfectly infectious joy.
Note: Today is the last day of this sale.
Spoken like someone who has not played Persona 5.
Maybe there is no wall. Maybe it’s one of them metaphorical things. Like maybe the “wall” is the place inside each of us created by our goodwill and teamwork.
Titles like Puyo Puyo Tetris and Street Fighter X Tekken prove that bringing two successful franchises together can…