
Because the brain processes and stores your skill when you’re sleeping. If I had a dollar for every time I spent hours trying to take o a boss in Dark Souls only to say, “fuck it, I’m going to bed,” and wake up the next morning and completely mop the floor with said boss(es), I’d have....I dunno...maybe like $23?

Taking a break is not my method.

You would think that taking a break is counter productive, but I’m surprised again and again how often I struggle with a challenge only to crush it immediately after 2 months of not touching the game, haha

And here I thought I was the only one who understood “bread” instead of “dread”. It’s good to see I was mistaken.

<_< Wish they would make an anime of the first two games, I enjoyed the dark atmosphere that played more on being a long journey without the mix of school activities lol.

Don’t suppose they’ve announced any sort of co-op like in Peacewalker? Not huge on competitive multiplayer, but would love some more challenging missions to do with friends.

Man I wish I knew you were doing this.

This fucking guy. I can’t stand this piece of shit.

There was an encounter down materia, but I don’t believe there was a random encounter off materia.

Get it! It’s awesome. :D

“Plus this is miles better than the whole videogame women done like they should be in reality which was basically making female videogame characters overweight and calling that normal.”

Enough of your borax, poindexter... we need action!

And Homer Simpson tagging along.

I just want the Doctor and Scooby Doo teaming up. Life made. (although if they add the Ewok minifigs then life made even more!)

Thank goodness for novels.

Go Team Robin!