
As a lifelong _____” - Probably someone who is the opposite of that thing and trying to control the conversation.

My roommates don’t watch LRR at all and I’ve still gotten them to call it “o-neh peach-ay”.

I still remember everybody dying during the Crapshoot of this. Also +1 for LRR.

It is this type of irresponsible behavior from unaccountable State bureaucrats that are driving many of the State’s best businesses out of California”

Waluigi finally! point out that they appeared out of the woodwork, with a weirdly polished image and social media presence, making carefully focus-grouped “edgy” music that is neither novel nor particularly edgy....

The idea that they had no idea he was capable of this is false and I’m sure you know that.

If you were the kind of person that would tweet something like that, odds are that your teammates would’ve known what what kind of person you were before you ever had the chance to make that tweet. Toxicity doesn’t just happen in a vacuum.

And yet I used it. You know why? Because I’m tired of pretending little douchenozzles like this one (in the article) deserve the benefit of the doubt. We have more than enough empirical evidence to suggest that kind of behavior isn’t an isolated incident. That allowing this kind of toxic behavior to fester only serves

If he did that in a public space, imagine what he was like in a non-public one.  His teammates knew exactly the type of person he was, hell he probably even joked about doing this in advance and was probably egged on by his teammates.  

Keep exposing them and we will stop buying there stuff. 

Joan, I am 100% on your team.

We would like to make it absolutely clear, we have no problems with Arch personally.

If they pander to anti-LGBTQ right wing misogynists, then yes their community will be anti-LGBTQ right wing misogynists. And yes, they will lose anti-LGBTQ right wing misogynists if they speak against them, and yes, if they do not speak against them, they’re literally on the same side with them, maybe not

Nah fam - someone wants to be a bigot that shit should follow them until they publicly renounce it.

Too little, too late.
I am tired of the “game eventually gets good” approach. I’m not buying a shitty game with hope that after a year or two they’ll fix it. No sir.

Oh absolutely. For example, my cat wants to grab food from my plate. Rather than swat her away, I engage her in a reasoned, intelligent debate over the merits of her position, the better to understand them.

This slideshow format is G-A-R-B-A-G-E

no, im still with “fuck your slideshow”