This is for anyone that is angrier about not being able to play a video game for 2 hours than they are about what is and has been going on in this country. That’s 2 hours they could use to stop and reflect and ask themselves that very question.
This is for anyone that is angrier about not being able to play a video game for 2 hours than they are about what is and has been going on in this country. That’s 2 hours they could use to stop and reflect and ask themselves that very question.
You are. You’re asking us to be, or more importantly, SOUND pleased. You’re saying “Fine, whatever, now fall in line and STOP WHINING.”
Maybe a well established company could make a product and then sell it, instead of getting consumers to front the cash.
Yeah, most of us in our guild just feel icky about this whole thing. I miss Thrall. Thrall’s Horde was noble outcasts working together for a stronger future kind of thing, and ever since Garrosh it’s just gone down the shitter bit by bit. Most of us play Tauren, so it’s an even bigger sense of “why the narrative hell…
To complicate matters, Georgia apparently rejects merger entirely in most, if not all circumstances. (I'm a Virginia-trained lawyer, not a Georgia one, but I saw a mention upthread and was doing some Googling.)
"Admittedly, my other complaints with this article are much more legitimate, but I wasn't expecting to have to engage in serious internet business."
I'm going to be the bad guy here. Statutes of Limitations are there because as the years pass, memories fade and evidence disappears. EVERYONE including people accused of molesting a child has the right to dispute the charges. One of the earliest memories of Jean Piaget a child psychiatrist was when someone…