
I've been a bartender for 16 years, everywhere from rock n' roll dives to Michelin-starred restaurants. Patrons at the dives tend to be less asshole-ish, but for the ones that push too far there's always a baseball bat with "The Manager" painted on the barrel. Yes, yes, you may speak to The Manager.

"I'm an immature jackass who can't handle people who are different so I'm pushing those insecurities on to my child, who likely doesn't even realize that his teacher is transgender and wouldn't have a negative outlook on the situation if I hadn't taught him to."

What does it feel like, never having been allowed to touch a woman?

Yeah, My roommate worked with Crystal Jackson at Starbucks...
His bet is that they attempted to buy from the wrong people.

Squats, glute bridges, hip thrusts, kickbacks, deadlifts and lunges. (With enough weight to actually build muscle. None of those sets of 20+ reps.) I spend a substantial amount of my time building my naturally flat ass into a booty.

So foolishness at a State funeral is acceptable, but in the Oval Office, it's frowned upon. Got it.

Oh no, the game about a sentient flame who can jump through the air while trying to do as much property damage as possible isn't realistic. What a shame.

Sorry, what about Molly is harsh? She's a STEM professional who seems to single-handedly run a forensics lab in London. For her age, she is initially portrayed as meek and smitten with Sherlock's genius. By Vow, however, she:
1. has a slightly problematic but, let's face it, realistic relationship in which she

How about rice, beans and kale. You would only need a bit to get the same protein and vitamins of a hamburger.
Obviously it is more expensive than Kraft dinner to buy fresh fish or a chicken breast ready to cook. Meat is overrated Poor American people should see how poor Chinese people do it. It's do-able. My husbands

I have been in possession of real big boobs and big fake boobs in all degrees of firmness so I just kinda know how boobs act. These have had work of some sort done. I don't give two fucks, most everyone in hollywood has. If she has implants, they are small ones, I would suspect an uplift of some sort. But, that will

I will just leave this here (sorry if it's hard to see— open it in a new tab):

As a flight attendant, I can tell you that most people stare blankly at my hip area for a lot of reasons, and probably not to guess my pant size. You're sitting down, someone is standing right next to you, it's uncomfortable to crane your neck constantly just for some prolonged eye contact. I'm not going to even

I'll buy that "fat" people have it tough, but your story wasn't a representation of that. It was just you being angry in the morning and then assigning your anger to a target and reason in order to justify it.

What's not so clear is how Diana Prince will be worked into the plot

HATE HATE HATE this aggressively annoying phenomenon. Any time I hear anyone speaking that way I want to slam their face into the nearest hard surface. Irritating doesn't even begin to describe this monstrosity. Fuck.

People who don't watch a show but read articles about that show and then yell at others that they have issues for watching the show have issues.

Using an SSD on a PS3 will have no benefit, as it does not support the format to its potential, so it isn't much better than a 7400 RPM HDD. the reason it works well on windows is TRIM support, which PS3 does not have. without TRIM support, the life of the SSD is reduced as the PS3 thinks its a normal hard drive, and

Using an SSD on a PS3 will have no benefit, as it does not support the format to its potential, so it isn't much

All i need is this HD.

whoa! I totally know this guy! hah!