
those “carrots” are atrocious

I’m glad Lauer is getting financially shit on, but in general, don’t you think it’s sexist that the wife automatically gets half of whatever the husband makes in a divorce? What about wives who are the breadwinners in the marriage? Is it fair that the husband has to give up half of his shit to her?

it’s always the outspoken “liberal” ones who are actually scumbags

What the fuck is that Frankenstein’d nonsense? It looks like an 8 year old designed it

yes to this. the women i’ve seen who include these are usually materialistic and narcissistic with fragile egos. and cause drama

You white women are out of your damn minds


even if you didn’t like the service you received

I should’ve used different language, but tolerating or celebrating body dysmorphia is disgusting.

lol nobody goes into the pools at the beach clubs. the women wear expensive heels and full-on makeup with their swimwear

Every time I see Kylie’s and Kim’s asses from the back, they always look like two cottage cheese lumps stuck on top of two twigs. Just no. They literally look retarded.

Ever been to Miami or Vegas?

When it comes to tattoos, celebrities for some reason have the aesthetic taste of 20 year old lottery winners

Now how will all of those anti-gay Congressmen hire rentboys in the cities they travel to?

yeah because conservatives aren’t all over that shit in secret

I’d attribute it our legal drinking age and the downward trend of cigarette smoking. Europeans drink earlier, and smoke cigarettes like there’s no tomorrow. You can see it in their faces.

What happened to Krypton? WHAT HAPPENED TO KRYPTON???

Sorry that not every woman’s body is pristine like the waifus you want them to be.

“Urien mirror”

Several videos in and you still haven’t gotten rid of that strange stain on your sweater ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)