
Speaking as a woman who works in the insurance industry, I think that Time has a fair point. I'm in Europe where legislation went into place last year which meant that we can't charge gender specific prices anymore. This mean women now pay more for life assurance and motor insurance, even though statistically they

Shitting all over girls who choose to abstain/not sleep around is just as unhelpful. This article is gross. Isn't one of the big points of feminism that a girl's value should NOT be based on her history of sexual activity?

I really hope it's an actual REMAKE, and not just upgrading the resolution and calling it HD.

That can be said of many things, but as a parent, I would have made myself insane if I had questioned every (seemingly) innocuous choice regarding my kids. I just don't see the occasional lick of ice cream as a problem. My kids had a varied and healthy diet and are still only occasional sweets eaters. The youngest

I've notice my comment about the Dragon's Crown articles disappeared into oblivion along with the responses to his comment replying to my comment.

Am I the only that thinks Jason Schreier is the last person I would want to write this article after what he wrote about Dragon's Crown artist?

censorship period is ridiculous. this article almost comes off as hypocritical after the dragons crown discussion, who decides when and where to get puritanical? as an adult i should be able to view mature themes in video games. that's why i gravitated to the SMT games in the first place, and why i appreciate atlus

Funny how you think censoring this kind of things is bad, but clearly have a problem with Dragons Crown sorceress... perhaps you would like to censor that character? make up your mind

Well, when you have articles making mountains over molehill like the Sorceress from Dragon's Crown for having unrealistic breast size article, can you blame them when they play it safe?

I never knew was something falling over Rosa's head. Japanese need to realize that western gamers are more mature than how see us. As for worries that a child would see these things, that's OUR responsibility, not the developers.

Tracie's implying that STDs are a rite of passage. Ew.

I've been doing a lot of work in the gym on my biceps and triceps and (even though there's still some jiggle there) it has noticeable reduced my "bat wings." If you add muscle volume, it decreases the amount of lose skin available.

"Because I live in L.A. now, I know what it was like being in the middle of the 1992 L.A. Riots". That's not hard to understand.

Any time I hear a man profess to prefer Asian women, I immediately assume he is both racist and a misogynist. These men assume that all asian women are the same and that they act the way a real woman should act (i.e. being meek and doing whatever he says). Though I also always wonder what happens when these men

Because I happen to live near park slope - I remember the ice cream thing. It wasn't about vendors in the park, it was about vendors specifically in the playground area (where adults who are not accompanied by a child are not supposed to be anyway). I think that is a reasonably valid complaint. It is not appropriate