
lmao you just proved me right and you don’t want to admit you’re wrong. good job, you’re afraid of a youtube video

Now playing

This is how you pronounce pasta. If you disagree, then you’re either british or a lunatic. and they were native italians.

you should agree with me because it’s fact. if you’re this confused with one simple vowel, then i highly doubt you’re italian unless you grew up speaking one of those old dialects and got confused. i’ve spoken with italians and they would never say “pah-sta”.

you clearly didn’t even read my explanation. you are wrong. pasta is with a short a, not flat a. i’ve taken both spanish and italian. cat is flat a, pasta is short a. again you are confused.

??? it portrays high school teenagers accurately in general

you’re confused about vowel sounds and don’t know what you’re talking about. it would be a lot easier if you were familiar with IPA pronunciations to avoid confusion. everyone except brits pronounces the ‘a’ in pasta with a short a (as in chart). brits use the flat a (æ), which is between a short a and short e (as in

no i’m talking about this:

tell italians that

she means brits pronounce the a in the same way as ‘bag’, which is just wrong

Oh look another open floor plan which cripples productivity

Huhuhuh-huhuhuh, he said 78 loads

Huhuhuh-huhuhuh, he said 78 loads

is that poop stuck on that white box?


Still no Burglary and Bunko desk

sounds like there could’ve been objections but the higher up dipshit said “no, we print it as is, conversation over”

it costs more for employers to fire experienced employees and then find, interview, and train new hires. and making sure that said new hires do as good of a job as the experienced employee (usually they can’t).

Fingerprint readers are not secure, they’re only there for convenience. If a hacker gets your fingerprint data, you can’t get new fingerprints. Chance of identity theft isn’t worth the 0.9 seconds you save unlocking your phone. Quit bitching about fingerprint readers

yeah but you can only play online with a ps+ account, which makes the free ps+ plus games a defacto permanent part of your collection unless you’re one of those single-player-games-only people.

i don’t think you’re ready for the lgbt scene

but didn’t you spend $4 in gas meeting with the buyer?