
Are you from Staten Island?

Hi Casey

She killed her daughter, whether it was negligence or intentional. And she sleeps “pretty good at night” with the knowledge that her daughter is dead. Wow.

Rich politicians should start paying for their own health insurance, you pig-faced fuck.

You can’t trust any guy who has no goddamn lips.

Yes. Fight me.

on a scale from 1-10, the anime-ness of the alpha series is a 6, which is fine. doujin fighters are a 10.

nobody wants street fighter to go all weeaboo

If those cars were in human form, they’d have extreme overbite and have t-rex arms

that’s because they referenced footage of him when he was young and got a similar body double so they’d get it right instead of simply airbrushing his face and calling it a day

unless you’re playing with VR then it doesn’t matter

unless you’re playing with VR then it doesn’t matter

they did a decent job of doing that with RDJ in Captain America Civil War

yo, dis bitch smh

boxer briefs do away with that

boxer briefs do away with that

slim straights look better with boots. bootcut jeans are just subtly flared jeans.

slim straights look better with boots. bootcut jeans are just subtly flared jeans.

he was living vicariously through him.

holding it with both hands and using your thumbs to type is much faster and more efficient. you are an old 30 year old

All the men in SFIV series had fetal alcohol syndrome face and made stupid, deformed expressions.

“bolsters her Systema fighting style with a strong affinity to ice.”

Ridiculously thin waists, no feet shown, must be Rob Liefeld