
Your Spanish skills are as good as Steven Seagal’s.

A neatly organized table with all of the names would be nice.

Someone post a list of the contribution amounts these chucklefucks received from pharma corporations/lobbyists

same could be said of a questionable prostitute :)

yes i do. the quality ones back then look like this.

This low-rent flash animation in games needs to stop. Looks like a 15 year old newgrounds game

i heard he’s got a lot of heterosexual friends, the best friends. hugely hetero.

I like using this paraphrase when chatting with friends: “Getting married at 23 is like leaving a party at 9:30". You can apply that to having kids too.

yeah like gray pubes, ear hair, back hair, manboobs, enlarged prostate, joint problems, tonsil stones, heart problems, etc.

That was my early 20s. My late 20s was travelling internationally with friends.

Tell that to the ibankers, lawyers, and startup douches.

This makes no mention about howtf you would hold this and not accidentally tap anything an everything. Also how would cases work?

You already have that money. When you don’t have a partner. And when you don’t have kids.

You sound like that Colby character from Mr. Robot: CTO of a giant corporation, yet carries around a Blackberry.

I hear you. No SO and all this disposable income, travelling to different locales for music festivals. Mmm, delicious.

Having fun every weekend in your 20s is way better than doing it in your 40s.

In other words, no actual steps.

Ban Pokemon Go because of personal safety of its people, do nothing about the air pollution. #chinalogic

The PS3 slim would make loud cracking noises after it’s on for a while, or some time after it’s turned off. Cheapass plastic.

So you’re admitting you’re a nonwhite talentless hack?