
The more I read about Overwatch, the more I’m turned off by this flaming dog turd. Good thing Titanfall 2 exists.

...It looks like a rebadged Mustang

True Blood. Full of garbage of various degrees peppered with fun moments.

Is there going to be a bunch of ugly yelling and shrieking?

i meant that lawmakers either don’t care or have a strong position on a particular issue until something happens to them personally. if i had written to this guy several weeks prior about air-firing being a problem, he would’ve ignored it.

I’m getting real damn tired of these roguelike games coming out. The only one I’ve like was enter the gungeon.

There were plenty of splatoons going on on that dvd though.

lawmakers don’t gaf about anyone unless it affects them personally. reactionary garbage.

POC deal with racism all the time and this limp scoop of oatmeal suffered from it ONE TIME.

One word: lol

Argentina doesn’t have beer? That is terrible. Almost as terrible as those immigrants who came in to your country after 1945.

shit’ll be lit fam

Coachella hasn’t been cool in years for most of its existence. But this year’s techno lineup though...

What happened to both of them wanting to gtfo after the first movie finished?

It’s real and it’s damn bizarre. It’s like when a zoo tries to mimic an animal’s environment in making the enclosure:

whatevs, brah.

A brain-damaged poor lottery winner dipped in YSL cologne.

white people mirite?

Bye Melania.