
She lacks intelligence and education if she has to lie about it to the public multiple times in the past and to deny straight up plagiarism for her Michelle Obama speech. Go home, get a plate, eat your crow.

Number of people who didn’t know English wasn’t her first language: 0. Even then, you’d think she’d brush up on her English skills after marrying Drumpf. Nope.

She gives speeches at a 9th grade level, actually speaks at a 5th grade level.

I’m pretty sure these flight attendants have better trigger fingers than American cops.

that was a hoax to drum up buzz for the movie

Your comment is full of stupid. You’re stupid.

she doesn’t need a lot of muscle, just enough for her to look believable as WW. She had enough time to work out like Holly Holm or any other female mma fighter

You mean like an MMA fighter? because she should’ve done mma-style workouts. Those women look the part.

extensively? lol no. in general she looks nice but she’s built like a skinny woman who does yoga semi regularly

It still annoys me the producers didn’t make Gal go on a bodybuilding/strength building regimen for the role. Like wtf.

not when his being a chef is a shit excuse to name his moves after taco bell items.

interesting counterargument

lol the irony

Delta also murders your fucking pets:

*Iron Man Lite

Before release: “We’ve learned from our mistakes from the SFIV series and UMVC3!” Doesn’t learn from mistakes.

Chances are this crusty fungal scab will get impeached within 6 months. President Pence becomes more appealing every day.

Thanks for the condescending ignorant comment, fool.

Thanks for the condescending ignorant comment, fool.

I prefer to have a smaller roster (~30), as that tends to have characters who differ from each other (no clones), be better balanced, and easier to figure out matchups.

Yeah because El Fuerte, Hakan, Seth, and Rufus were so much better.