
No, it's good. Spread your information me bredren.

It's a bit jingoistic of you to think the prevailing sentiment among Americans is jingoism.

To a lot of people, myself included, any long weapon is a rifle. Unless it's a shotgun. Or a BFG.

If this game took place in Canada...

I don't think it's jingoism considering the game is developed in Canada. Unless Canadians really don't like the British for some reason.

Mayan ruins? New England is nowhere near Mexico. You can't be playing as Connor through this. Unless it's anachronistic.

So this list is in terms of quality exclusive games?

Sales-wise? Xbox is in second.

We are pathetically young at heart fo sho.

Do you consider 20s to be old?

Should've put SSX in.

Notice how you can only ooze two things: sex and pus.

Franklin lived to be 85. For a dude living in the 1700s, that's not bad AT ALL.

It takes pieces of Gears of War and Prince of Persia, blends them together and waters them down a bit sure, but I find it still to be really fun.

The original Rock Band? Fine. Rock Band 3? I would riot.

Uncharted does have good gameplay.

So much negativity about crowdfunding lately. I feel like these kinds of articles are only making people more cynical to the concept and it'll be that much harder for legit projects to get the funding they need.

No doubt. When people speak in absolutes, though, I become a smartass.

Treyarch developed the GBA THPS games, and I'm pretty sure they took place in the 90s at the earliest possible date.

Even if your comment were true, the fact that it works means it could be put to good use in a deep, worthwhile game with the right developer and the right idea.