
Good, I'm glad I got through. Phew. I was worried you were a thick-headed knob.

Cool. I love the British way about things, the architecture, and the dark, dark history. But I can do without the accents. I'd rather have everybody speak Welsh or Gaelic with subtitles.

At least America is a warmer shithole (in some regions). You're always welcome here. As long as you leave the spotted dick at home.

This is just shit-level trolling. You've been on the internet how long? You must be new, because no self-respecting troll would find himself posting this drivel. The game's evolved, learn the lore.

Does that account for accents? Do games recorded in British English with an American accent count? Or American English with a British accent?

More like Snoop will do ANYTHING at all.

These are usually really bad. I mean, the rap writers are excellent. The rhymes are usually very well-done, clever, and have fantastic flow theoretically; the problem is the rappers themselves, who are either hamming it up too damn much or are just too damn white because they're almost always ever-so-slightly off beat

I really don't see what's so bad about this box art.

If that's the case, it'd be nice if Unity could be used to compile iOS games on Windows platforms. If it's not an Apple-restricted issue (which I've read many times it is) and it's possible on UDK, there's no reason the option couldn't be enabled on Windows (though not without some hard work by the Unity team). That I

I for one was very interested in hearing Harmonix' process in the game creation and song integration as well as learning a thing or two more about the Kinect so... there is an audience for non-sensationalist bullshit.

Microsoft isn't like Apple - you don't need to develop on a Windows Machine to deploy onto Microsoft devices, even when using third-party software. It's pretty ridiculous that even if your game is developed entirely in Unity and you've purchased an iOS license, you're still required to use a Mac platform to build an

Why do the headline and piece make it look like this video is based on gender? Why not "An Interesting Look at How Dance Central and Kinect Work"? Why does the gender card have to be pulled when it's such a tiny portion of the interesting points explored in this video?

You're welcome, m'lord.

I know, I've been hopelessly addicted to it since April.

Now playing

Reminds me of this super sexy patchwork of Disney samples.

I thought I was the only one who hated the 80s so hard.

Dollars to donuts most people would say Vice City, but objectively it isn't. People only pick it for the music. I, however, recognize gameplay first. San Andreas wins the whole lot. There is no contest unless you hate freedom (or black people, you racists).

Man, a LOT of jealous children make themselves known whenever someone mentions getting paid for doing something that isn't working for the man.

Thank you Jason for writing this and exposing the treachery wrought by former philanthropic company Google Inc. Dicks.

Yeah, how dare people be compensated for their hard work at no cost to the consumer.