Is Englewood in Manhattan? Because that is more or less the same distance between what you incorrectly listed as San Francisco, and Redwood City, which is where it actually happened.
Is Englewood in Manhattan? Because that is more or less the same distance between what you incorrectly listed as San Francisco, and Redwood City, which is where it actually happened.
I saw one of these three days ago during my annual trip to Long Island and I initially thought “who slapped a winged-logo on a Dodge Dart?” It does not look like a luxury car and it certainly is the least-distinctive upscale car in America since the Cadillac Cimarron.
I wonder if they are going to go with the scratch-n-sniff cards à la Smell-O-Vision or Odorama?
After “Legion,” I will watch Aubrey in anything.
This is not quite Madsen-bad.
Moar stars for this!
Seriously, why I am the first to star this?
I 100% agree with you, but I would add that she looks like she was weaned on lemons.
“I count two instances in which Iverson started like he was about to sing along with the song only to bail after uttering a single word, which is exactly what you do when some weird guy at a party is pressuring you to sing along with a song you’ve never once heard before.”
Or what would happen if you didn’t show up to…
Reggie White passed at age 43.
It’s a term that comes from the Japanese word for “half,” and it’s what Hawaiians use to denote when someone is of mixed-ancestry.
+1 Inferno’d.
Damn it, I just played “Florida or Ohio” by myself and I wrongly guessed that it was Florida.
Why, oh why does this not have more stars?!
Nowhere east of Twin Peaks is the right neighborhood when it comes to auto-theft.
Nope, he doesn’t have enough vested years.
Psst, I think you mean “Miller’s Crossing.”
I came here to say this. Millen seemed to have great insight in the booth, but...