
I would not use as much mozzarella as this recipe does (there’s already more cheese than any other dry ingredients) and I would bake it like he suggested, but it’s pretty close to perfection.

Especially in Conquest Battles.

Yeah, as with I did with Philakes, I soften up Mercenaries with arrows from up on high, and by the time they get up there, they’re one kick away.

I barely tried and Kassandra had two hook-ups before she had finished all of the tasks around Phokis. For each question that Odessa asks you, be supportive to herThere’s a side quest Auxesia where you are to hunt for animals to make some kind of proto-blue pill, but if you go back to see Auxesia later one, she

Wouldn’t it be “prawns at dawn?”

I got momentarily confused because even though I was fairly certain that it was Sarah Paulson, part of me thought that was Sean Young and I haven’t heard anything further about that stolen computer case. Also, no, I won’t watch another season.  “Roanoke” was perfect and then they went the fuck back.

“Wilmer, Wilmer, chicken-filmer?”

Wow, next thing you know, you’re going to tell me that there’s no Santa Claus.  In all seriousness, I’m amazed as this is the first time that I’ve seen that angle.

You know that it went from mortadella in Italy (possibly the #1 dad joke in Italia is “Della è morta? = “Della is dead?”) to the mystery meat that it is in America today.

My wife’s grandfather some time before the 60's ordered clam chowder at lunch counter and they gave him Manhattan-style.

He was genuinely offended and he asked the waitperson, “What did I do to you to deserve this?”

You are a Kinja god.

+1 Khaki’d skipping no has it better-reluctant star.

Shimmy shimmy ya, shimmy yam, shimmy yay
I’m giving you this star so that you can take it away

I think that all they want for his first year, that Nunn averages 4.0 ppg more than Nick Young.  Hopefully the reason that he’s gotten that much better is because everything has clicked.

If not Kristofferson, why not Steve Railsback?

Who else scrolled down the page too fast and thought they saw something else entirely?