I agree w/ XAL.
I agree w/ XAL.
"Space Jam" is great. Hm, I wonder if it has been released on BD.
Scandinavia is part of Europe, but Europe is more than just Scandinavia ;)
Come on, is it really hard to remember that during the beginning of "Batman Begins" we see how resourceful he is? He didn't need his name nor money (Wayne's) to travel the world. And to enter Gotham ... same movie, Bruce and Ras walking on ice.
He already explained when he said "When it's innapriorate to the context, totally nonsensical to the situation at hand (Greg Land uses pron face for women being killed, for christ's sake), and done in a exploitative way, yes, yes it does." . So, use an O face when the situation is not related to sex can be considered…