Yea i think you misread it, it is not $6000, it is $599.900
Yea i think you misread it, it is not $6000, it is $599.900
As others have said, fast food workers get paid significantly better, because this wage is well below the lowest Japanese minimum wage (which varies). I'm guessing the pay is probably closer to foreign (Chinese) unskilled farm laborer.
Creative industries can hurt themselves and not just because theft and thrift, sadly. I'm well aware of how difficult, stressful, and time-consuming animating is - even though I'm not an artist.
I don't have any numbers, but I would hypothesize that anime piracy is far lower than it used to be now that hulu, crunchyroll, et. al. have made it much easier to obtain legally.
I had no idea the monthly income for animators could be that low. I assume it must be somehow livable as, considering just how many animators there are in Japan, they can't all be living with friends/relatives. Still, I can't see how $300 a month could actually be livable anywhere unless rent is insanely low, you eat…
No. No it won't.
This is why theft and thrift kills creative industries. Not implying anyone in particular, but when people steal anime, pirate it, skip ads, etc that prevents money coming in to studios, studios are forced to only produce what they know will sell, which is the fanservice moe kawaii desu mindless bullshit so many anime…
I feel this is relevant, because I like the image so much. Keep in mind, I respect the man for chasing his goals in bettering his creative skill with the sacrifices he made.
Standard in East Asia, tbh. Until you get up into a management position, you're going to make next to nothing, especially in non-business jobs.
That's 35,000-105,000 yen in Japan give or take as the yen is never stable. And in Tokyo, you're lucky if you find an apartments rent that is 50,000, and bills will probably take 20,000 yen and he gets to live with the rest which I assume is so little. I think he lives outside Tokyo, and has to wake up early every day…
They do use a lot of CGIs in modern animation, just look at Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin movie. The entire introductory battle scene is done in CGI. As for the unfair part...I guess that's how life is in a profit-driven society, it's never about how much effort one puts in, it's about the value one produces (and…
You earn much more than that at fast-food restaurants. You usually get around 700 yen per hour, which is $5.80 (approximately $6). Assuming you work for the same 10 hours per day you would in the animation industry, you would make roughly twice as much ($60 as compared to $25). That would put the minimum wage at…
Worse than fast food.
I simply cannot comprehend that a CGI artist or college student would receive more than a traditional artist in JAPAN, given that a lot of the work lies in the traditional animators. So much work and still you are at the bottom of the payment list... at least if that Shirobako payment sheet is somewhat accurate. I…
I really respect him for having the guts to leave the country for a different job with horrible work conditions to satisfy his inner artist. It is really draining working in the creative field and constantly being involved in projects you just can't get behind even though the pay is good and have enough free time to…
Animator Henry Thurlow hails from New York. Now, he's in Tokyo, working as an animator for Studio Pierrot. Sounds…
based on a real person. Tamara Bakhlycheva, Blizzard employee.
They are automating already; witness their love of vending machines. But the reality is, robotics is only going to take care of so much, and when a robot breaks, somebody's got to fix it.
I don't see depopulation as a real problem. I think it'll push the Japanese to simply automate as much as possible. There are already too many humans on this planet. If we slowly whittle down the numbers I don't think that'll be a bad thing.