
Thanks for this article.

I just want to say, bless your heart!
Thanks for clearing the muddy water on this. I didn’t care what the man said honestly. I’ve done pre-ordered the collectors edition of death stranding.

That being said, I was very curious what was going on after all the butthurt tweets I started seeing...

That seems to be the largest

I played the Gears 5 tech test.. demo, the lancers can now do headshots. The multiplayer is a while new game.
I will say that shotgun wall bouncers are very much still there though.. so uh, its a mixed bag of something.

Never forget #Scalebound #Humor #TongueInCheek

How do the game mechanics work.. if you keep dying, and like you mention toward the end of this article that “Oh you just found a new place to explore?”

Is it like “Oh you remember everything in game, even though you died”.. like the manga & movie “Edge of Tomorrow” ??

I just want to ask a question... didn’t Juri go through literal body modifications/scientific experiments on her to gain her powers? Like I thought that was what pushed her off her rocker?

Also she’s a video game character and isn’t real. Probably shouldn’t compare yourself to her. Just saying.

So I started reading... & was like “Wtf”.. then I made it to the “Butt spirit balls” and was really like “WTF!?” & .. stopped reading/Left.

I’d like to feel sorry for you, but I’ve spent even longer waiting on DragonsDogma 2. #joke

I do feel sorry for you though. It sucks.

Thanks for taking one for gamers everywhere.

People seem to have some illusions that unions are the greatest thing since sliced bread. I’ve been part of the union for a short while. And it was pretty much like any other job. Except I paid “Union dues” every pay check. And I got fussed at if I stepped out of line eagerly & did someone else’s task, that wasn’t my

So you know how google invested a ton of money to be a physical ISP & deliver fiber internet to people in select markets? You know how they are closing up shop now? Talk about a lot of money invested.. then just closing the project down.
So I don’t care what ‘Phil Harrison’ the guy who jumps from job to job, says on

Yeah its frustrating, but I look at those early access people, & figure they’ll just bug test the game a bit more, before it actually drops for everyone.
And they are paying money to do it early.

I knew it was going to be a day one purchase for me, so I pre-ordered the game recently & got to “experience “ the VIP

I didn’t give Fallou 76 a look either, and honestly I don’t regret that decision. It was a day late and a dollar short. FarCry 5 “New Dawn” Ie.. the rest of my FarCry5 game.... well I’m not going to check it out either more than likely. I feel cheated a bit with the way that game went.

BUT I am enjoying Anthem so far.

I don’t know what system your on, but restart your console.. or shut it off and back on.
If that doesn’t work its probably still server side issues, in your region? For me its been a huge hit and miss.

I figured this launch would go super smooth. Like butter. But BioWare/EA managed to drop the ball with these server side issues.

That being said, once hell froze over, and I was actually able to play the game. The team working on the game really managed to get the movement down pat solid. Flying has not seemed like a

You know.. I don’t think I’d waste 8000 dollars to destroy something. BUT, that being said, this was one heck of a story.
The dedication of a year is kind of crazy.
Also, do these people not have jobs?

I’d quote the developer directly, A44, but I’m not searching the internet for it. No swords. Too easy, is what the developer said. Or something along those lines.

.. This “Games always on service” crap is being pushed hard, I don’t know if that’s an option. But hopefully so.

They look like people I know. It’s about goddamn time.”
I honestly hope not. . . ?

Thomas Sowell and Neil deGrasse Tyson are two individuals I highly admire. They are classy. Bringing a lot of awesome & practicality to the world. The two ladies on the cover, look like villians, probably psycho like that island chick

I don’t know how many games I’ve bought & not finished to date.. It’s too many I know that. But I love the craft & want to support the companies whether I finish em or not.

SO that being said I have been playing Red Dead 2 incrementally... I work in manufacturing.. I fell asleep while playing it the other night as